Sathguru Geetha
pravachans of our guruji'
jay sathguru maharaj ki
in praise of guru
Sandharshitha: Panthaas
Shree Gurave Namah
Geetha || 1 - 70 ||
is like a forest we seem to wander like an insane person. We bow down to
that GURU who has shown the way for our lost mind.
life we lead is a self centric one. We always think of ourselves. Our
efforts are always directed to fulfill our goals, our ambition etc. there
is no thought of others or even Bagawaan. We may argue that we do show
concern towards out family and friend. This is true but the concern we
show is solely to meet for social needs. Even the little time we devote
towards Bagawaan is filled with our apprehension. We put a list of
priorities linked with deadlines and place in front of Bagawaan for Him to
strange part all this is we don t even find our behavior to be weird and
wrong. We need someone who can change our behavior. This can be done by
none other than Sathguru. A Sathguru will bring a 3600 change in our
lives. If we compare the life before and after attaining a Sathguru the
differences are marvelous and out of reach of any words to describe it.
Raghavendra was a prominent Sathguru in the Madhva Sampraday. Like all
Sathguru even He dedicated His life to spiritually uplift the masses. Once
a young fellow came to Swami Raghavendra and expressed his desire to get
married. The young man had a complete belief that his wishes would come
true once put into the ears of Swami Raghavendra. Swami Raghavendra
didn t say anything instead He gave the young man His earthen mug which
he used in the bathroom. The young man without even giving a second
thought carried the mug along with him.
traveling quite a distance the young man rested for a while in front of a
house. The couple in the house had an ill-fortune of not being able to
retain their child. Each time a child was born an evil in form of ghost
used to come and take away the new-born. At the time when the young man
rested, a new child was just born in the house. The ghost as usual had
appeared to take away the new born. But this time the ghost was not able
to enter the house. The ghost was struggling with the radiance coming from
the mug held by the young man. When enquired what the specialty of the mug
the young man replied it is the mug of Swami Raghavendra. Hearing this
ghost cried with joy that he could now be liberated from his curse as he
has established a link with the Mahatma Swami Raghavendra.
ghost turned into a human being and conveyed all his regards to Swami
Raghavendra for liberating him from the curse. Seeing all these things the
couple felt overjoyed. Their child no more could be harmed. The young man
was confused as to what was happening around him. The couple explained
about the ill fortune of not being able to retain their child due to harm
caused by the ghost. And their child being now saved due the liberation of
ghost. The couple felt so happy and wanted to do some thing in return, so
the person offered his sister for marriage to the young man.
all these things we come to realize the power of Sathguru. While handing
over the mug the purpose was not known. Just in one episode grace of Swami
Raghavendra changed three lives, the ghost got liberation, the couple got
blessed with child and the young man got his bride. This is the power of
Sathguru their actions apparently could not be understood but has deep
rooted meaning.
jay sathguru maharaj ki
' short stories to regain
your faith '
Swami Ramanujar along with His disciples were heading to a place called
Thirikoolur to take the darshan of Vaithmanidhi Perumal. Swami Ramanujar
was very much excited to come to Thirikoolur for the reason that it is the
birth place of the great disciple Swami Madhurakavi Azhwaar and
Vaithmanidhi Perumal has been praised by Azhwaars in their Pasurams.
entering Thirikoolur, in the outskirts of the village Swami Ramanujar saw
that a lady coming in the opposite direction. Out of good intentions Swami
Ramanujar asked as to where she was going? The lady quickly replied she
was leaving Thirikoolur. Hearing this Swami Ramanujar s heart started
beating faster as to why the lady was leaving such a sacred place?
even one disciple goes in a wrong direction the Sathguru mind is filled
with anxiety and will take all efforts to put back the child on right
track. Swami Ramanujar with heart full of concern advised her that
Thirikoolur is such is sacred placed that even one struck in ultimate
poverty should not be leaving the place. Vaithmanidhi Perumal is always
there to take care of children so the need of leaving Thirikoolur
doesn t arise in any situation.
In reply to Swami Ramanujar s question the lady starts narrating 81
sentences hearing which Swami Ramanujar Himself is astonished and
marveled. In each of these 81 sentences the lady compares herself with
Baktas(devotes), and even Bagwaan Himself and apprehends as to whether she
has done some great deeds like these devotees so as to deserve herself a
place in Thirikoolur. She takes extracts from Bagavatam, Ramayan,
Mahabharat, Bhakta Charita and puts her point in place. Each of these 81
lines reveals a secret and puts light on the minutest detail which is
probably missed at many times. A lot can be learnt from the each example
which she quotes. We at Krishnavedham are blessed to bring you each of the
secret every month popularly known as Thirikoolur Pennpillai Ragasiyam
(i.e. Secrets of Thirikoolur s Lady)
Wait till
next month for the first secret of Thirikoolur Pennpillai to be revealed.
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'divine personality's divine star '
This topic will
include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth
star !

Maasam - Thiruvonam Nakshathram - Shravana in Sanskrit
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'power of divine grace'
This is one of the experiences of a child that made her realize that Bhagawan & Sathguru care and love each of their children equally.
I am a student pursuing C.A.and due to articleship and classes, I normally complain of not being able to attend Guruji's sathsangams whenever he is in Mumbai. However this incident actually taught me what Guruji always used to tell us "to accept life as it comes."
This incident happened when once I was returning from my articleship. (I was sent for an audit to a very remote area in Thane (Mumbai) where there were hardly some people around) I was walking towards the bus stop when suddenly an iron rod from a moving goods carrier auto rickshaw fell loose & hit me sharply on my head. For a moment I didn't realize what had happened but could only utter "Krishna". I could see blood oozing from my forehead but didn't realize the intensity of the wound. Soon as everything started becoming blurred, some people (say God sent) came rushing towards me for my help. They provided water and applied turmeric on the wound as an effective handy first aid which helped me reach home without further delay.
After reaching home when I narrated this incident to Guruji he told me not to worry and approach a doctor immediately. The doctor, on examining the wound, at first concluded that since the wound was deep, it required stitches. However, within a few seconds he changed his opinion and suggested that daily dressings and proper course of medicines would heal it within 2-3 weeks. But to the doctor's astonishment, the wound started healing quickly and it took only 10-11 days for the wound to heal completely.
In the due course, I was unable to attend the classes and articleship which ultimately led my way towards sathsangams. Thus Guruji made me believe that behind every incident there is some message. Here He taught me "to accept what comes my way and believe that everything is happening for the good"
Had it not been for my Sathguru, I would never have uttered "Krishna" on feeling the pain. I never know whether I called out "Krishna" with actual trust, but have only realized Guruji's teachings that "Bhagawan is always with us to help. He is just waiting for us to call him."
Guruji's sishyai
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'the feast for your soul'

jay sathguru maharaj ki
Punya Kaal
'sathsang programmes''
Sathsang in Triruvanthapuram has started on 5th of April 2008
and will continue till 20th of April. Currently Guruji is giving Pravachan
on Ramayana. This being the birth month of Lord Rama Triruvanthapuram
devotees are blessed to enjoy Rama Leelas
that Guruji along with His Disciples with proceed for Mayapur Yatraa.
would be visiting Navdeep and Puri Shetra also. Navdeep is the sacred
birthplace of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprbhu . Following is the brief schedule
of the blissful trip
birth place 23rd April 08
Mayapur-Navdeep 24th
to 28th April 08
Belur Math 29th
April 08
Puri 30th April 08
to 2nd May 08
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'whole hearted dedications'
This issue we are
dedicating to
devotee who lived in Pandhardpur
one who was Goldsmith by profession
one who was fortunate to make ornament for Lord Vittal
one took the measurement of Lord Vittal
one who could feel Lord Vittal in form of Lord Shiva
jay sathguru maharaj ki
Jay Shree
Radhekrishna Sathsang
Jay Shree
Poojya Shree
Shree Amma
Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
