stories to regain your faith '
In the last issue we saw how the youth did not lose his confidence and faith in
and kept on chanting continuously. His chanting and faith did give him fruitful
the clouds started gathering, the youth' happiness knew no bounds. He started
chanting more vigorously. The atmosphere soon became dark and it started raining
very heavily! All this happened in just five minutes!!! The youth became very
delighted! Tears rolled from his eyes by seeing Bagawan Krishna's boundless
grace! Truly it is
can abide anything in this world like the bad deeds of human beings; the sins
etc. but one can never bear Krishna Karunai!
youth became more confident and prayed to
, all this happened just because of your grace. If you can cause a heavy down
pour in such kind of weather where it's impossible for the rains to come then
making the other things happen is no big task for YOU! Now YOU (Bagawan Krishna)
will only take care of rest of the things. What did the youth ask from
? He had just prayed to
that it should rain heavily on the day of swati nakshatram and the rain water
should get collected inside a skull (mandaiOdu);
the poison of a snake should get mixed in this water by itself without any
external interference. If he succeeds in getting this water his father's life
could be saved.
mother who cooks food in the kitchen; for her bringing the food in the front
room and serving it to everyone is not at all a big task. The same way when
Bagawan Krishna can make such big miracles happen, for Him doing the other
things is not at all a difficult task!
the youth was chanting continuously and prayed to
to show him the right way. Co-incidentally he just turned around and to his
surprise he saw the skull (mandaiOdu). Until that time he didn't even notice
it. Just by
Krishna's grace he turned around and found the skull. It's a true fact that even if
we have everything beside us we never view it. Everything is beside and around
us but the biggest blunder we do is search it somewhere else and ultimately lose
Krishna gives us only those things which we are able to digest! For instance, a
cat has been given its food, but it is least bothered about it and wishes for an
elephant's food; then this is its foolishness! Even if the cat has its food
beside it still it wishes for an elephant's food then it will never be happy
and contented! If the cat eats its own food without desiring for the elephant's food it will surely be peaceful and happy! This is what we are also
doing! Even if we have everything we are never satisfied because we always
desire what others have! Hence we lose peace of mind and are never contented.
the youth turned around he saw the skull which was upside down with rain water
inside it. It could have been straight also! But only because of Krishna Krupai
it was upside down so that the rain water can get collected in it! Again the
youth thanked Krishna for his unbounded mercy and prayed,
by Your grace there is a skull filled with rain water. You look after the rest
of the things.Again the youth kept on chanting continuously Krishna Krishna
Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna!
should never think of anything else. Just take life as it comes and leave
everything on
. We should always be like a witness to our own life!
will surely lead everything in a right way!
instance, small children ask for fees from their father! They just ask their
parents to give the fees do they ever ask that from where and how their parents
are going to get this money? No! And even if the children ask such question what
does the father reply,Its none of your business! I'll take care of it!
the same way it's none of our business as to how
will lead us. We just have to pray and do sincere chanting. HE will take care
of the rest of the things!
we do is we try to analyze what Bagawan will do? Infact we try to advise
Bagawan! Yes! Why should we bother about the world? It is created by Bagawan; He
knows what to do and what not! Why should we bother about other people's life!
HE will never require anybody's advice! Bagawan is incomparable, above genius,
smarter than everyone. HE is the one who has created us! Why should HE keep the
nose below these two eyes? HE could have kept it above these eyes! From this
itself one can understand HIS power! HE is the Karunasagar. Nobody can design
like HIM! Nobody can challenge HIM neither can anyone beat HIM! Hence we should
leave everything on HIM and do our duties (karma) sincerely by chanting HIS
same way the youth was chanting sincerely and waiting for Bagawan Krishna's
krupai! At that time a frog came there, the youth didn't get excited, he
remained calm kept on chanting Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna Krishna!!!!! The
frog sat beside the skull (mandaiOdu)! The youth continued chanting. And at
that time a snake came behind the frog to kill it! The youth remained calm and
was vigorously chanting
! The snake moved fastly to catch the frog and immediately the frog jumped above
the skull! The snake thought it is going to bite the frog and hence it hissed
and at that time a drop of its poison fell on the skull (mandaiOdu).
Krishna knows what to do, how to do, when to do, why to do! We dont have any
rights to ask why HE is doing like this, He could have done like that! If we
start asking questions like this then we are mad! Everything happens fro some
a child takes birth, the parents deposit money on its name in the bank! But do
they give the money while it goes to school? No! When it grows up and attains a
right age so that it can use the money in a proper manner, the parents give the
money! In the same manner Bagawan
also gives us each and everything at a right time when we can utilize it
youth did his duty sincerely by chanting Bagawan Krishna's naama and got
whatever he needed! In few minutes the frog also disappeared and the snake also
vanished. The youth did not analyze as to from where this snake had come or from
where the frog had come etc. but this is what we keep doing! Even if we have
what we desired for we are interested in knowing as to from where this came and
where it will be going!
youth again thanked Bagawan Krishna! Have we ever thanked Bagawan Krishna for
showering His unlimited grace? Even at the time of marriage, generally what
everyone does is they go and keep the invitation at Bagawans feet and pray to
Him that the marriage should take place nicely! But have we ever asked HIM that
you come for the marriage and bless us? We have to thank Bagawan Krishna! It is
our duty. Today we are eating food whenever we feel hungry; we are leading a
sophisticated life, all because of Bagawan Krishna. But have we ever thanked Him
for giving food to us whenever we need it? So many of them die to eat even one
time food! Many of them beg for one time food. In other case even if some of
them are rich, they are not able to eat food properly due to various diseases.
Besides all this today if we are healthy; we are able to eat food properly; this
is just Krishna Krupai! So whatever we get whenever we get it's our duty to
thank Bagawan Krishna!
the youth thanked Bagawan Krishna and took the skull filled with water and
returned home by chanting
. Even at that time he did not leave Krishna Namasankeertanam. He felt
made me win! We should try our level best and
will give the fruitful deeds!
youth called the doctor. The doctor was sure that the youth won't get the
medicine. But the youth said that he had got the medicine which the doctor had
asked for! At first the doctor couldn't believe this but when the youth
explained to him everything he (the doctor) realized the power of
naamasankeertanam. The doctor said to the youth that your chanting and devotion
made you win! But the youth did not agree with this and immediately replied,
It's not my naamasankeertanam and bhakthi but it is Krishna Krupai! I am
able to chant just because of
! The doctor took the water and made medicine out of it and gave it to the
youth' father. By
Krishna's grace the youth' father survived and lived for a few years.
this happened because the youth did not lose his faith. My Bagawan is with me
and HE will never leave me. HE knows what is good for me and HE will give me the
best. If we have this belief in HIM then we will never lose in life!