KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
April 2009 Issue |
Vedham 5 Slokam10 |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Hymns in Praise of Guru |
pundhalika saarika bhakta naahi pandhari saarika keshtra naahi vithobha saariak dhaiva naahi tukaram saarika sathguru naahi |
The above verse explains that there is no devotee like pundhalika, no divine place like pandharpur, no God like Vithobha and no Sathguru like Tukaram. We are really blessed to hear the divine glories of the Tukaram, who was in lived in our punya bhoomi just 400 years ago. One such graceful incidence of Sant Tukaram is here below. Once Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was immensely drowned in devotion listening to the bhajans of Sant Tukaram. Even Sant Tukaram was joyfully reciting the bhajans and all the folks were enjoying it. Suddenly a group of people came to abduct Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and wage a war against him. They were none other than enemy of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Now it such a situation Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was not willing to leave the divine place of bhajan , but was compelled to leave for saving the Kingdom and the Hindu Dhrama. He left the place and went to attack his enemy. Like a lion he pounced upon his prey and was successful to win over his enemy. No one till date had seen such a form of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. Meanwhile the bhajan got over and Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj got up from His place and went to took the blessing of Sant Tukaram. It was then Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj realized that his enemy had come in search of him and it was Lord Vittal who in disguise of Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj had fought with his enemy. This episode is a manifestation of how Sathguru takes care of our need, and always thinks about our welfare. Our only duty is to surrender to our Sathguru with unconditional belief and blind faith. If we have done our part of work sincerely then there is no need to worry about the anything thing in this world. Sathguru will take care us like a small child who know nothing but to cry for anything he wants. Lets strive to become a sathsishyaa. Radhekrishna
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Short stories to regain your faith |
Thirikoolur Pennpillai
constantly keeps on quoting the reason for leaving Thirikoolur. Here
she says “Mudhal Aadi ye petruno Aaghaligai polle” (Did I achieve the
Feet of the Lord like Aaghalya)
Aaghalya was the wife of
Rishi Goutham. They lived in a hermitage in a forest. Aaghalya used to
discharge her duties in responsible manner. Demi God Indra got
infatuated by her beauty. Indra was determined to any how enjoy her
beauty. This how weird our minds can go. Anything devoid of the divine
touch will go for a toss. This is the reason why all Mahtamas advice us
to be constantly immersed in the bhakti of Bagwaan Krishna. When we are chanting Bagwaan’s name and mind is thinking about the Supreme One, we will never go wrong and would always be directed in the right direction. In order to satisfy his desire, Indra came to the place of Aaghalya disguised as Rishi Goutham. Aaghalya was not able to recognize that the person dressed as Rishi Goutham was Indra. Taking advantage of this situation, Indra was able to satisfy his desire. When the real Rishi Goutham came to know about the incidence, he cursed Aaghalya to be tuned into a stone. And added that she would be revived from the curse, when the Lord Rama will come and His feet would touch the stone. Without any objection she accepted the curse and tuned into a stone. With a hope that Lord Rama will one day come to liberate her form the curse, she patiently waited. Even being a stone she continuously chanted nama of Lord Rama. That is the height of Bhakti one should to reach. In any situation we should not forget the Supreme an always keep on chanting His name. Thirikoolur Pennpillai was astonished by the patience of Aaghalya which she had shown. Lord Rama was helping Sage Vishvamitra by chastising the Asuras. During that same time a sand particle from Lord Rama’s feet had flow and touched the Aaghalya turned into stone. No sooner the particle touched the stone; Aaghalya was reviwed from her curse and once again turned into lady. Referring this incidence Thirikoolur Pennpillai said, “Did I achieve the Feet of the Lord like Aaghalya?” Listening to this Swami Ramanujar got happy nad was surprised to see how deeply she has paid attention to even smallest episode in the puranas and have take the gist out of it. Let see next month how Thirikoolur Pennpillai explains her situation further. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
The power of divine grace |
Pranams to Guruji Amma and Guruji, Due to Guruji's Krupa, life is beautiful and a joyful. Here I am to share a small experience which again proves that how Guruji's grace is always with us. The last few months of the financial year end, is little hectic at office. Ample of work has to completed in a small time, and more important is the quality of the work which is discharged. In one of the instance, a project had to be completed in 8 days and it was 5 days past and no significant work was done. No one in team was aware the as to why the progress was negative. The frustration level were increasing. In spite of all the negative factors, I didn't loose confidence, it was Guruji who constantly guided me within. Guruji's sentence which came to my mind during that time was, "Leave everything to Bagwaan Krishna, He will take care." Passing on responsibility has always been easy and most preferred way. Same way I passed on responsibility to Bagwaan Krishna, and was in the free state of mind that things will shape out. I could clearly see within one day how things started changing, situation improved and our efforts started yielding fruitful result. It was no surprise for me, because I knew Guruji being in my side He will not let me down. But the test of the situation was to be patient and see how Bagwaan brings us beautifully out of the problem. It was only due to Guruji's grace the project came out very well. In another project the field work was done pretty good. But at the time of review our manager was highly dissatisfied with the work. He went up to the extent of insisting on rework. And in the time of crunch this was not possible at all. Reworking meant compromising something equally important. At first instance it took time for me to understand as to why our manager reacted in a unfavorable way. The task before us was to justify the work which we had done and to convince our manger. In that frame of mind I didn't know how to proceed further. Leaving all other things behind the only way left out was to surrender to Bagwaan Krishna. I prayed to Guruji to take me out of the situation and guide me though this. First thing which calmed my tension was Guruji's words that, " Bagwaan will never let anyone down." Going forward in each and every step Guruji guided me from within to my surprise I got help from the unexpected ones, I was able to convincingly put forward my work and answer the queries which came in the way. After couple of days, the project work was smoothly approved. The whole experience was thrilling, how Guruji helped me in all difficult phases. The above incidences are surely not spiritually enhancing but it again and again assures that the Divine Grace is always with us. In the end I would thank Guruji Amma and Guruji for everything. Radhekrishna Guruji's Sishyaa Revathy |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Sathsang programmes |
Krishna Bhajans and Namasanketan are being carried out weekly at various places. Every Sunday NagarBhajan are also being carried at various places. Guruji's Sathsang will be held at Trivandrum. Every one is invited to attend the same and enjoy the divine bliss.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Our wholehearted dedications |
We dedicate this issue to Sawtha Maali
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar |