Sathguru Geetha
' Extracts from
pravachans of our guruji '
jay sathguru maharaj ki
Guru Mahima
' hymns in praise of guru
guru saariKHa astha paaTHIraakha !! Itarancha leKHa kON kari !!
Rajyachi kaanta kaaya bhIK maage!! Manachiye jOge siDDHI pave!!
Kalpatru talvati jo koNi baisla!! Kaaya vaani tyala saangijoji !!
Gyaandev mhaNE tarlo tarlo !! Aata uDDHaarlo gurukrupemuLE !!
Sri Gyaandev says,
When a Sathguru is there to support, who cares about other (worldly
people)? Does the wife of a king beg? She gets whatever is in her mind. If
one sits at the foot of a Kalpavriksha (wish giving tree), all his wishes
are fulfilled. Gyaandev says, “I have swum the ocean of samsara (world)
and prospered due to Gurukrupa (Guru’s grace).
Always we wish that
some one should care about us. Every new relationship starts with an
expectation that we would get that selfless love. But with the passage of
time we realize the fact that every relation has got its constraints and
once again we are left alone.
This is not in
the case of Guru- shisyaa relation. Guru is the one who takes care of us
in a selfless manner. He pours the grace on the disciples irrespective of
the fact that whether the disciple acknowledges it or not. Once we are
blessed with Guru’s grace then our life would no longer be void. The same
thing is explained in the above verse. Incase of a queen she need not beg
for anything. The wish of the person who is under
Kalpavriksha is fulfilled, in the same way
all the needs of disciple are fulfilled by the Guru. One need not really
care about the world when one is assured about the Guru’s grace.
Swami Ragavendra was
one of the great Sathguru of Madhva Sampradhay. Once He was going through
a new village and was asking for alms. A brahmin named Rangana offered
Swami Ragavendra food. In return to this Swami Ragavendra said “In times
of difficulty remember me.” Saying so, He left. Hearing this Rangana was
astonished. Rangana was a poor person who used to earn his live hood by
rearing cows. No one talked to him so kindly ever before. Rangana had
developed a soft corner for Swami Ragavendra. In his mind he always echoed
Swami Ragavendra’s words.
One day Rangana as
usual was rearing the cows in the nearby grasslands. A king was passing by
that place. At that time the King received a message from the battle
field. The King being illiterate was unable to read the message but was
anxious to know the message. He saw a Brahmin (Rangana) rearing the cows,
so the King called him and told to read the message. Rangana replied he
was illiterate and could not read. The King did not believe Rangana and
said, “You being a Bramin should know to read, you must be lying. If you
don’t read I will behead you.”
Hearing this Rangana
really felt tensed. He immediately remembered Swami Ragavendra’s words,
“In times of difficulty remember me.” So Rangana closed his eyes and
mediatated upon Swami Ragavendra and prayed, “I am trapped in a difficult
situation as you said please help to tackle the situation”.
Rangana oped his
eyes and started reading the message. It was indeed Swami Ragavendra who
was reading the message from within Rangana. King was overjoyed to hear
the message as it was a message of his victory at the battle field. The
King the questioned Rangana how come he was able to read when he claimed
himself to be illiterate. Ranagana told the entire incidence of his
meeting Swami Ragavendra and Swami Ragavendra himself helping him to read
the message.
Hearing this, King
was amazed. He offered fund for Rangana to study and assured him of a job
in this palace. This is the power of GuruKrupa before a problem arises
Guru is ready with the solution. With such a grace of Guru Krupa one is
bound to go beyond this samsara sagar.
jay sathguru maharaj ki
' short stories to regain
your faith '
Let us first have a short recap of the
charitram of Haseena and Hameeda which we had been enjoying for the last
so many issues.
Haseena was the daughter of a rich merchant in an Arab country. She was
fortunate enough to make the fruitful use of her ears by listening to the
leelas of Bagawan Krishna narrated by a Mahan who happened to visit her
fathers place. After hearing much about Krishna from the Mahan Haseena
developed a strong desire to see Him. Moreover the Mahan was telling them
about Brindavan mahima also. This in turn aroused in her an intense urge
to visit Brindavan. She had a friend named Hameeda. She started telling
Hameeda whatever she heard from the Mahan. Hameeda was also intrigued by
her narration of Krishna. Both of them talked for hours together about
Krishna. These two girls wanted to find out whether whatever the Mahan
said was all real. Their thirst to know about Krishna was growing inside.
They made a vow between themselves to some how go to India and see for
themselves. The Mahan had told her that whatever we ask for, Krishna
fulfills that. Now these two girls dared to bet with Krishna Himself to
take them to Brindavan and did chanting His nama in return.
So we all are eagerly waiting to know whether Haseena and Hameeda
succeeded in their plan of visiting Brindavan. Lets now see what leela
Krishna plays with them and how they enjoy and experience His grace in
each and every step of their life.
About the same time some diamond merchants from India came there. The
girls questioned them also about Krishna. The merchants too were very
happy to talk about Krishna. They also told them everything they knew to
the girls. Hearing all they requested their father to allow them also to
go to India with the merchants. Radhekrishna!
He refused as they were young girls and cannot be sent with unknown people
to an unknown country which is correct logically also. But the girls had
immense faith in the Mahan’s words and were chanting continuously praying.
At a certain point the girl’s namajapam ultimately changed their fathers
mind. This may sound thoroughly unbelievable but it is the truth. It
happens. It has happened so in many cases. Bhagawan resides in everybody’s
heart. The girl’s prayers reached the Krishna residing in their father’s
heart and induced him to give them a positive reply. The Aantharyami (the
one who resides inside ones heart) knows everything and can do anything.
He uses us as His instrument as per His wishes. That is why we are asked
to chant His nama (name) at all conditions. Our chanting does help us
through the Aantharyami.
So finally their father agreed to let them with the merchants to India
under the condition that they should bring them back safely after their
business in India. So when the merchnts finished their business there and
started for Bharatha Bhoomi. The girls also were with them. Radhekrishna!
Blessed indeed are the girls to enter Bharatha Bhoomi. In bhakthi Bharatha
Bhoomi is the richest in the world. It is the only karma Bhoomi. All
others are Bhoga Bhoomi, just to enjoy all sorts of worldly luxuries.
The group left the place and travelled by camel, horse, ship etc to reach
their destination. They travelled along many countries and took many days
to cover the distance. But all the while Haseena and Hameedas mind was
fully preoccupied with the description of Krishna and Brindavanam.
Radhekrishna! This is real dhyaanam. Narada Maharshi in his Bhakthi sutram
has stated that:-
“Sarvathaa sarva bhaaavena nischinthayaye Bhagavan eva bhajaniyah
Athah seeghrameva aavirbhavathi anubhavathi cha bhaktham.”
The Lord should be worshipped whole heartedly always without any other
thoughts. Then He will appear before the devottee and bless him.
As fate would have it while they were sailing in a ship some pirates from
somewhere attacked their ship and started looting the wealth. Many of the
merchants were killed by the pirates. Now Haseena and Hameeda were left
helpless as they had nobody else known to them. They hid themselves in the
ship to avoid the looters. But unfortunately they were traced by some
villains who were after their beauty and youth. The girls started
trembling in front of their lustful looks. But even then in the heart of
hearts they stuck to the Nama with full faith that Krishna would
definitely save them. This is faith! Whatever happens my Lord Krishna will
not leave me should be the attitude.
The great king and bhaktha Thondaimaan chakravarthi had this faith. When
the family of a brahmin entrusted with him to be looked after died uncared
for, he fully realising his mistake surrendered to the Lord with full
faith to be saved from the situation. Bhagawan heard his prayers and gave
life to them thus saving him. It was purely his mistake that he forgot
about them and ignored them. Though he had failed in his duty when he
realised his mistake and with full faith surrendered to the Lord, Bhagawan
had to come to his rescue. The girls too with full faith were chanting the
nama and waiting to be rescued by Krishna some how.
Were they rescued by the Lord? If so how? We will see in our next issue.
Till then we will also wait chanting His nama. Radhekrishna!
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'divine personality's divine star '
This topic will
include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth
star !
Nigamantha Maha
Desikar alias Sri Vedhaantha Desikar

Purattaasi Maasam -----
Thiruvona Nakshathram ---Shravana Nakshathra in Sanskrit
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
'power of divine grace'
Radhe Krishna
With the blessings of Guruji and Guruji Amma I would like to
share Guruji's Krupai. Guruji always used to tell the sloka from gita "ananya
chintayanto mam ye jana paryupasathey tesham nityapi yuktanam yogakshemam
vahamyaham." Always remember me and I would look after you. With Guruji's
blessings I had an experience which made me understand the meaning of this
With Guruji's and Guruji Amma’s krupai I got a job in CTS (Cognizant
Technologies Solution) and my postings were in Pune
First I was really worried about how would I stay alone in Pune and where
would I stay? I said to Guruji about this. Guruji said to me that you are
not alone Bhagwan Krishna is always there with you and he would surely
arrange for some one there. Guruji's words gave me confidence and then
onwards I never thought about how I would stay
Two weeks before I got my joining date which was just within
a week’s time. At that time I thought that now it’s just one week and
nothing was arranged but then I remembered Guruji's words that Bhagwan
Krishna would take care of everything.
Now the time went on and I had to start for Pune the next
day until then I was not aware of where I would be staying.
As Guruji says yedurchaya (co incidentally), I went to
Guruji's shishyay house that day. At that time they gave me address of a
place where I could stay. It was really Guruji's Krupai.
Guruji gave me such a place to stay where the people staying
near there are devotees of Guruji and from where my office is near. With
Guruji's nirhetuka krupai (unconditional grace) I got to stay at a very
nice place. I understood that if we leave all our responsibilities to Him
he would take care of everything and we need not have to worry for
Guruji's shishyay Anusha
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Dhivya Dharshan
'the feast for your soul'

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Punya Kaal
'sathsang programmes''
Radhekrishna. The devotees of Trivandrum
are enjoying Guruji's sathsangam. Bagavatha sapthaham is going on in a
devotees' place. Before that Guruji did sathsangam on various topics like
yaksha prashnam, kaliyuga yashodha, navaneetachoran, aathma thathuvam....
Needless to say, Guruji's sathsangam was
undoubtedly fantastic. The way Guruji makes us understand about the
importance of life and time is completely different.
There is a special news for all the
devotees......check out the main home page of radhekrishna sathsangam on
15th august 2007. There is a special surprise for everybody.....
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
'whole hearted dedications'
This issue we are
dedicating to Sri Venganna !
humble and noble devotee of Swami Ragavendhrar
one who was a shepherd and illiterate right from his childhood.
one who met Swami Ragavendhrar co incidentally.
Ragavendhrar told Venganna to think about Him{Swami Ragavendhrar}at the
time of difficulty.
one who believed Swami Ragavendhrar blindly without any second thought and
obeyed Him.
one who was asked to read a message by the king.
one who was utterly illiterate but when he prayed to Swami Ragavendhrar
and remembered His words, he could read everything correctly written in
the message.
one who realized Swami Ragavendhrar's immense grace.
one who became literate and got the post of minister under the king just
by Swami Ragavendhrar's grace.
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Jay Shree
Radhekrishna Sathsang
Jay Shree
Poojya Shree
Shree Amma
Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
