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KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
August 2008 Issue |
Vedham 5 Slokam 2 |
Sathguru Geetha |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
Krishna Bhajan |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
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Guru Mahima |
Hymns in Praise of Guru |
Samasara-vrksam arudhah patanto narakarnave Yena caivoddhrtah sarve tasmai srigurave namah Meaning:- The tree of samsara having climbed, they were falling into the ocean of hell, And by whom only they were pulled out of it all, to that shree Guru salutations. The above verse says the grace of guru can only save us from the drwoning Samsaea sagar. This is well explained in the below verse. |
There is tradition being observed of Sathguru always protecting the masses and uplifting them. In the process of doing so the Sathguru themselves take the responsibility of sins committed by us. This was proven true in case of Jagai-Madhai the two sinners whom Shri Krishna Chiatanya Mahaprabhu(Nimaee) had uplifted. Jagai-Madhai were two brothers from a brahmin origin but did all the things prohibited to be done. They lived in Navadeep. They had murdered people, had illicit relationship with women, looted everyone, they were drunkards etc. One day while Nidayee( the sathsisyaa and a close friend of Nimaee) along with other devotees were walking through the the roads singing the Mahamantra. Jagai and Madhai came in their way and tried to stop Nidhayee. In the effort to do that Madhai hit Nidayee with an earthne pot.Nidyaee's forehead stared bleeding. Even after done so Nidayee did not get angry about them. This is the grace. When Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu came to know about the incidence he became very furious becuase Madhai had hurted his disciple. He came to the place. Seeing the Nimayee so furious Nidayee consoled that to forgive them. Seeing the forgiveness of Nidayee, Jagai-Madhai were moved and realized all their mistakes and had surrendered themselves to Shri Krishan Chaitanya Mahaprabhu . From than onwards Jagai-Madhai became the true disciples of Shri Krishna Chaiytanya Mahaprabhu. It is said that once Shri Krishna Chaiyanyaa Mahaprabhu has accepted them as their disciple and took on all their sins His body turned black. This was the intensity of the sins of Jagai-Madhai. And subsequent to bath in Ganga Shri Krishna Chaiyanyaa Mahaprabhu gained his original shade. This is the divine power of all Mahatamas, just one divine sight is enough to vanish all the sins. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Aachyutha Priya |
Short stories to regain your fait |
Pennpillai puts all efforts to make her point that she is not fit to
live in Thirikoolur. Last three months we have seen that Thirikoolur
Pennpillai was giving extracts from Srimad Bagawaatham to prove
herself. Now she in the fourth sentence she pick ups a extract
from Shri Ramayan she says “Dasa mukanai Shetreno Pirratiyai
polle” (Did I hate the ten headed one like Sita Mata) Ravana the ten headed managed to abduct Sita Mata by Misleading Lord Ram by showing a golden deer. Ravana brought Sita Mata to Ashoka forest in His Kingdom in Lanka. Ravana abducted Sita with a wrong intention but till the end did not succeed in his efforts. |
Ravana used to beg to Sita Mata to satisfy His Lust. Ravana tried to impress Sita by showing his riches and wealth. Ravana promised Her to make the queen of Lanka and praised her beauty. Sita Mata was unmoved and was not at all impressed by all the captivating things. Ravana even tried to frighten Her. But at all times Sita Mata never lost Her will power. She had an unconditional Faith that Lord Ram will come for her rescue and was determined that in no circumstance She would fall prey to the tricks of Ravana. She advocated the virtues of Rama to Ravana. And warned Ravana to surrender to Rama else she assured that Ravana was sure to meet his end. In one of the instances while talking to Ravana Sita Mata plucks a grass and laid it down. This act of Sita Mata is explained like Sita Mata passing a message to Ravana that if She wished she can pluck the head of Ravana like the grass. Ravana was so powerful that he controlled the Demi-Gods like Indra, Chandra etc. Even being so powerful Ravana was not able to harm Sita Mata in anyway. This was only possible because of the dedication Sita Mata had towards Rama. It is understood that it was Sita Mata who won the war against Ravana, Each moment of the ten months period at Ashoka forest was as struggle for Sita Mata which She won with ease.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Hrudhayaanjali |
The power of divine grace |
pranams to Guruji and Guruji Amma. Being under the shade of Guruji is
like leading a life in a air bubble where by and difficulties or sorrow
doesn't even touch you. Guruji always in His Sathsangans says that
Bagwaan Krishna is with us all the time. Even smallest of our problem is
solved by Him. Our Duty is only to call for Him. A small child cries for
every thing. The mother interprets its cry and does the needful to
satisfy the child. Same way Bagwaan does take care of all our needs.
Here I am quoting a small incidence which reassured me that Bagawaan Krishna is there to take care of our small worries also. Daily I have to catch a train then the company bus to go to my office. If I miss the company bus then reaching office on time becomes difficult as auto are not easily available. One day I had to take the monthly train pass. Unexpectedly the queue was long and I was sure to miss my regular train and consequently the bus also. The queue was slow moving, I was already late and all kind of thoughts started occupying my mind whether I would get the auto if I miss the bus and how late I would reach office. Then suddenly the phrase told by Guruji in Sathasang came to my mind "Leave every thing to Krishna He will take care of it." Then my mind was at ease I no longer thought of it. Problems may come but the way to handle them in a effective way without putting stress on the mind is thought by Guru. That day I got my regular train. I boarded the train the reached the destination and was easily able to catch my bus also. Until I sat in the bus I was unaware of how Bagwaan Krishna had helped me. This would be a very small incidence in the daily walk of life but the feeling of being helped by the grace of Guruji is incomparable. It feels as if you have all the power to win the world because Guru and Bagwaan both are on your side. All my pranams to Guruji and Guruji Amma. Guruji's Sisyaai Revathy
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Dhivya Darshan |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Punya Kaal |
Sathsang programmes |
Guruji's Mumbai trip was joyously completed in July 08. Guruji's Sathsang in Matunga Bhajana Samaj was welcomed by the new listeners very enthusiastically. Being impressed by Guruji's Sathsang the Samaj affirmed that Guruji should be doing Pravachan on Thirupavaai in January. Sathasang on Thirikoolur Pennpillai was continued for about 10 days. The Sathsang was really enjoyed by the listeners. Guruji made sure that the sentences of Thirikoolur Pennpillai was learnt by every one. A two day trip at Pandarpur was an unmatched experience for the devotees. Enjoyement air engulfs as the cute little black boy takes birth in this month. Krishnajayanti being around the corner preparation for the celebrations are going on in full swing. Krishnajatayti Celebrations will be held at Tutukudi and Therunnaveli. It would be a 5 day function. All devotees are looking forward to attend the function. Every one is welcome for the same.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Shradhaarpanam |
Our wholehearted dedications |
We dedicate this independence day issue to Bharat Mata The one has a glorious History The one who gave birth to great Mahatamas The one who holds the roots of Hinduism firmly The one takes care of her children and grants them all freedom |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar