Radhekrishna! Self-pity is what everyone tries to create. Ask them
about their job they would say salary is low, boss is cruel,
commuting is difficult, work pressure is enormous and curse Bagawan
for all this. Little do they think that Bagawan has given them a
wonderful job and enough pay to sustain themselves? There are
millions without a source of living and die out of starvation.
Take another
example ask a student about his studies or exam he will start
complaining about his teachers, tough syllabus, less time to study,
difficult exams etc. Even they fail to think that there are so many
who are denied access to even basic education. The same is found in
case of a housewife who grumbles about her husband, in-laws.
We never
think of beautiful boons of Bagawan. We seem to take everything for
granted. The problem with us is we dont value things we have and
always find fault in them. This happens because we are internally
unsatisfied, unhappy so we start blaming the external things. The
moment we are happy we forget all faults.
On same
lines once you are in love with Bagawan Krishna each and every
moment will be packed with happiness and in that state of mind you
stop complaining about things around you and start cherishing the
beautiful gift of Bagawan called life. Continuous chanting of
Bagawans Naama is sure to make us come close to Him.
In this
issue of Achyutha Priyaa we will see a great, humble devotee called
Kuravanambi with an
amazing Bhakthi (devotion). In a village near Thirupati (The abode
of Lord Balaji) there used to live a potter. He led a simple life
with minimum material things but his spiritual life was enriched
with love for Lord Balaji. He was immensely attracted to Lord
Balaji. He was not in a position to daily climb the Thirupati
mountain and take Darshan of Lord Balaji. Instead he used to pray
from his own place.
Daily he
used to get up do his chores, pray to Lord Balaji and start his work
of pottery. He was very devoted in whatever he did. He made pots
with all his sincerity. While making pots he used to sing praise of
Bagawan and His Naama. This is what kept him happy. After each pot
was made he used to thank Lord Balaji and say, You have been so
graceful only with your help I was able to complete this pot.
This is the
way to thank Bagawan Krishna. Whatever we do, we have to perform it
for Bagawan Krishna. In our day to day lives if we see, whenever we
do something for ourselves or for someone else, either we are not
satisfied with our work or most of the times the result is not as it
was expected ! This makes us unhappy and we are left unsatisfied.
But if the same work is performed for Bagawan Krishna, we are happy
and satisfied with what we had done as well as result is also
The potter
sold the pots he made. At the end of day with clay remaining in his
hands, he used to make a flower. This clay flower he used to offer
to Lord Balaji. Being pleased with his devotion Bagawan used to
accept it and keep that flower on His own head.
Krishna has said in Bhagwath Geetha whosoever offers me with love a
leaf a flower a fruit or even water I appear in person before that
selfless devotee of sinless mind and delightfully partake of that
article offered by him with love. The material that is being
offered is not important but the manner in which it is offered
counts. The flower even though made of clay the fragrance of his
devotion made the flower more beautiful.
This is
where the difference lies. When we pray to God we say Do this for
me then I will distribute Prasad or I will come to your place etc.
or we say I am doing this for you so you do that for me. Our every
act is backed by some expectation. To say in harsh words we trade
with God. But here the potter offers the flower sans any expectation
or condition. He offered the flower for sake of love and as an
expression of gratefulness. So even Bagawan accepts it with all His
In the same
town there was a king named Tondaimaan Chakravarthy. Even he had
great love and devotion for Lord Balaji. Lord Balaji was so
impressed by his devotion for sake of saving the king from a problem
he made dead persons alive. The king used to daily offer golden
flowers to Lord Balaji.
Wait till
next month to see whether Lord Balaji accepts the golden flower with
same grace!
sathguru maharaj ki jay

divine personality's divine
This topic will include the
image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth star !

Thondaradi podi aazhwaar
Maargazhi - kEttai - Jyeshtaa
Maargazhi month; kEttai nakshathram in tamil;
also spelled as Jyeshtaa.