
Echo Of  Guru In Voice Of Sishyaas

VEDHAM | 4 |                  SLOKAM | 6 |

Sathguru Geetha

' Extracts from pravachans of our guruji '




jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Guru Mahima

' hymns in praise of guru ' 


Sloka:- Aneka janma sampraaptha karma bandha vidaahine
aatmajnaana pradaanena tasmai sree gurave namaha

                                                            Guru Geetha


Explanation:-The bondages we have accumulated in pervious births are burnt when the guru imparts the knowledge of the self.



Human being is superior to all creatures. He has been bestowed with the capacity to think and visualize the implications of his actions and above all these; he is given a great gift of realizing the Bagawan Krishna. If this ability is not used in a proper way he ceases to be human and comes down to the level of an animal.


All our efforts are directed to meet the basic needs. We behave exactly in the manner the animals do. We eat if we are hungry, sleep if we are tired and enjoy sex if infatuated. Then there is no difference between an animal and a human, only the means of meeting out ends are different.


Human life is a rare endowment. Only a Sathguru can make us realize the importance of it and the best way we could be engaged in service of Bagawan Krishna. The same is explained in the above verse. The sins which we have accumulated in previous birth are burnt by the grace of Sathguru.


Sage Narada who transformed Ratnakar into Sage Valmiki speaks volumes about Sathguru’s grace. Ratnakar was a dacoit who used to loot the persons passing through the forest. One day sage Narada passed by the forest, there he saw Ratnakar. Sage Narada asked as to why he was indulging in the activity of harassing people and grabbing their booty.


Ratnakar replied in the most sincere manner, “I am doing all these things to satisfy the needs of my family and to keep them happy.


Listening to his answer Sage Narada concernedly said,

“O my child you may be doing all these things to keep your family well but unknowing you are earning proportionate sin and no one would take your share of sin.


Ratnakar agreeing to Sage Narada said, “I know that I am earning lot of sin but by beloved family would help me in reducing my sin.


Sage Narada, not convinced by Ratnakar’s answer asked him to check with his family members as to who would be ready to take his share of sin.  Ratnakar was very confident about his family members but to prove this to Sage Narada he hurried to his house and asked his wife, “I have accumulated a lot of sin in the course of satisfying our family needs. You being my life partner, will you share my sin?”


Ratnakar got a negative reply from his wife. His wife said, “If I take your share of sin then who would take care of this family.


Ratnakar asked the same question to his children. They also answered in negative saying, “We have our whole future ahead of us and we won’t like to spoil it by sharing your sin. 


Ratnakar being depressed and holding his last ray of hope asked his parents to take some share of his sin. His parents turned him down saying, “We would like to live our last few days of life in a peaceful manner so we wont be able to take your sin. 


Hearing these answers Ratnakar’s faith in his family was lost. He realized that the love which was exhibited was false and illusionary. He quickly went back to Sage Narada and acknowledged that his family members were not ready to take his sin. Being concerned Ratnakar requested Sage Narada to give him a solution by which his sins could be eliminated.


Sage Narada was pleased that Ratnakar had realized the facts of his life. He told Ratnakar to chant the word ‘RAMA’ and repeat it. Ratnakar was unable to say the word ‘RAMA’. It was Ratnakar’s sins which prevented him from saying the word ‘RAMA’.


For Sage Narada, this was not a roadblock at all. He instructed Ratnakar to chant the word ‘MARA’ which is a name of a tree. Ratnakar would easily say ‘MARA’. Sage Narada advised him to repeatedly say the word ‘MARA’.


Ratnakar obediently did the same. This is what a Sathguru expects from a disciple. A disciple should be sincere and follow the path shown by the Sathguru. When Ratnakar repeated the word ‘MARA MARA MARA’, he unknowingly said the word ‘RAMA RAMA RAMA’. The power of the name ‘RAMA’ and the blessings of the Sathguru Sage Narada helped him reduce his sins and reformed him into a Devotee of Lord Ram.


Later Ratnakar came to be known as Sage Valmiki who composed the great ‘Ramayana’ which even today is the one of greatest epics.


The grace of Sathguru is so great that even it could turn a dacoit into a great devotee. The above episode clearly brings out the meaning explained in the above verse. So let's yearn for Sathguru's grace which would really make our lives worth living.



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


 Achyutha Priyaa

' short stories to regain your faith '


In our last issue we saw how Haseena and Hameeda were rescued by Krishna from the hands of the pirates and were gifted to the King and the queen who were carving for the children. Krishna saved Haseena and Hameeda and at the same time also paid heed to the prayers of the King and the queen by blessing them with children. 

The king asked the queen to dress up the children according to the Hindu custom. The queen adorned them with silk skirts, blouse, silk half sari etc. She plaited their hair, decorated with lots of flowers, put on jewels like necklace, bangles, anklets, hip chains, golden belts, rings on the fingers, nasal rings, ear rings, pendant on the forehead, golden hair adorns (rakkodi) on both sides of the parted hair etc. They exactly looked like princesses. The kings joy knew no bounds. The girls looked like Hindus. It has to be so. The Krishna dhyanam of the girls turned them into Gopis.

In Srimad Bhagavatham, 11th chapter, the Avadootha talks to Yadu maharaja about 24 gurus from whom he learnt a lot. Out of them he refers to the bee which builds a hive with mud, and keeps its worm in it. Whenever the worm tries to come out the bee will sting it. The worm keeps thinking of the bee only out of fear. Ultimately it turns out to be bee itself. Likewise Dathathreya says that by the constant thought of the Lord the jiva attains the paramaathma. 

The gopis when deserted by Krishna in the midst of the forest were so immersed in His thoughts that they began to assume themselves to be Krishna and started imitating Him. That was the depth of the bhakthi they had for Krishna.

Haseena and Hameeda have heard much about Krishna, Brindavan and the Gopis. They always nurtured in their mind what they have heard from the Mahan. Ultimately their bhava led them to become gopis themselves. This is the greatness of smarana.

The king and the queen gave them some new names and brought them up as their daughters.  They never enquired them about their story lest they should feel upset. But the king could sense some deep sorrow inside them. He asked the queen to enquire them about it. One day the queen asked them the reason for their sorrow. The girls said they were in fact happier than they were with their parents.
It was then that they poured out the whole story. They said they had come to Bharatha Bhoomi to see Krishna and Brindavan. Fate landed them here at last. Their love prevents them from thinking of going to Brindavan leaving the loving parents. At the same time their thirst for Brindavan was also pulling them. If the king and the queen would allow them to go then they wanted to go to Brindavan for once and come back.

Brindavan ! The one place where each jeeva would want to go. The empire of Radha Rani, the personification of love.  Where there is only love and love. Where only those with gopi bhava are allowed inside. It is only due to the merits of many births in the past that one can enter the holy land. Many Mahans have spent their life here in Brindavan. Sri Chaithanya Mahaprabhu could think of the word Brindavan with tears only.
Did the girls from the Arab country who came to see Brindavan reach there? How did they attain their wish? Wait till next month to know. Till then do bhakthi like Haseena and Hameeda and keep chanting. Radhekrishna ! Radhekrkisnna !


jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


Uththama Nakshathraa

'divine personality's divine star '

This topic will include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth star !






jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



'power of divine grace'


My Pranams and Radhekrishna to Guruji Amma and Guruji. Through Guruji Amma and Gurujis graces, I have been experiencing many wonders in my life. I would like to share one of my recent experiences.                                                         

My parents had been to Badrinath, through Krishnas Graces. My family was fortunate enough to see Lord Badrinaths Abhishek. After the Abhishek, the priests had applied sandal paste {Chandan} on everyones forehead (including my parents forehead).         

 To everyones surprise, out of the chandan on my fathers forehead, my name Pravir started getting formed automatically. Now my fathers forehead had the chandan with my name Pravir inscribed on it. It was clearly visible. Even my mother saw it. My father clicked the snaps also.

 This experience is only because of Guruji Amma and Gurujis graces. Through this experience, I realized that Krishna is constantly watching me and His Grace is always there. I pray to Guruji Amma and Guruji to shower their blessings and I should do more namajapam.                                                                  

Disciple and Servant of Guruji Amma and Guruji                         



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Dhivya Dharshan

'the feast for your soul'

Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


Punya Kaal

'sathsang programmes''


Radhekrishna !!! The Trivandrum devotees enjoyed Guruji's sathsangam a lot. Guruji did sathsangam on Thirukoloor Pennpillai Rahasyam. The sathsangam was as usual fantabulous. Each time Guruji has something new in store for everyone.

Guruji returned from Trivandrum on December 2nd. In Chennai also He did sathsangam on Thirukoloor Pennpillai Rahasyam.

Guruji arrrived in Mumbai on Decemeber 9th.  The mumbai devotees are very happy and excited to see Guruji after four long months. On 9th evening Guruji did sathsangam on Raaga Kumbhar at a devotees' residence.

Forthcoming sathsangams :-

Thirukoloor Pennpillai Rahasyam from December 10th to December 21st at Ragavendrar temple, dombivli {west} from 7 pm to 9 pm.

December 20th Vaikunda Ekaadhasi bajans in Balaji temple from 10 pm onwards.

Thiruppavai from December 26th to 31st in Murugan temple, GOgraswadi, Dombivli (east), from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Guruji will be leaving on January 1st.







jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



'whole hearted dedications'


This issue we are dedicating to Shri Raaga Kumbhar


A humble and true devotee of Lord Viththal.

The one who used to chant Viththal's nama throughout.

The one who used to make clay pots.

  The one who prayed with utmost confidence to lord Viththal when few kittens got stuck while flaming the clay pots.


The one who was unaware that the kittens have got stuck but came to know when the cat kept shouting.


The one who prayed to Lord Viththal that he would leave his profession of making clay pots if Lord Viththal saves the kittens.


The one who remained firm and had strong faith in Lord Viththal even after leaving the only profession.


By the grace of Lord Viththal he got another work of collecting sticks for fuel.


The one who always remained contented with whatever Lord Viththal showered on Him.



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang

Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
