All through
our life we are in search of a perfect Person who can fulfill our
loneliness and give us only happiness. Every time we come across a
new person in our life we feel that he or she will fit in the
criteria of perfect person. The early day relationship seems to work
out like magic. We almost conclude that we have found that perfect
person. But it is only future circumstances and situation we come to
know about their real personality. And once again our tender flower
like heart is withered.
We can't
blame the person because we human beings are born imperfect and live
with imperfection only. Our search for that perfect person ends at
the Lotus Feet of Bagawaan Shri Krishna. He is the one waiting for
us but we always ignore Him and run after the mortal world.
Dhina Bandhu Radhe Govinda'
Even though
we are with our kith and kin, we are orphans. But Radhe Govinda is
always there for our rescue. We may say that I have beautiful family
great friends but when we are asleep who is with us? (Even we
ourselves don't know where we are?). Bagawaan Shri Krishna is with
us all the time weather asleep or awake. So He is the Only Athma
Bandhu(Soul Mate).
Even before
our wish is uttered Bagawaan fulfills it. He takes care of us like a
Mother, provided we turn as a child in His hands. If we are holding
an umbrella we won't realize the joy of drenching in the rain same
way if we are rigid and don't bend ourselves to Bagawaan Krishna we
wont realize His grace.
The Potter
in our story- Kuravanambi was drenching in grace of Lord Balaji. His
offering to Lord Balaji was a flower made of left over clay on his
hand. Even the King Thondaimaan Chakravarti who was immensely
devoted to Lord Balaji offered daily a golden flower. There was a
secret path from the king's Palace to Lord Balaji's Temple. Every
night the king used to go through the secret path to take darshan of
Lord Balaji. One night he noticed that on Lord Balaji's head was a
clay flower and the flower offered by him was lying at His Lotus
Seeing this
king got excited and asked Lord Balaji, 'Who is this Bhakta whose
clay flower You have kept on Your head, I am eager to know about
him.' Here the King was not jealous but with the dirt free heart he
asked about the Bhakta whose devotion was that great. Jealousy is
the common factor among human beings. Even though we may praise a
person for his achievement but internally we would be jealous about
his progress. A feeling of insecurity leads to jealousy. Being truly
immersed in Krishna Bhakti(devotion) there is no scope for jealousy.
Bharathiyaar has said 'Kannan en sevagan'(i.e Krishna is my
servant). Having Krishna as our servant we wont feel that we are
devoid of something and thus the feeling of jealousy can not arise.
Lord Balaji
was refusing to tell about the Bhakta who offers the clay flower.
King Thondaimaan Chakravarti insisted and was compelling Lord Balaji
to tell about the devotee. Being defeated to the king Lord Balaji
told about Kuravanambi and his place of residence. The King reached
the place of the potter and introduced himself as a Bhakta of Lord
Balaji. Kuravanambi gave a warm welcome. The king was pleased to
meet Kuravanambi and said, 'I know you are a great devotee of
Balaji. Lord Balaji accepts the clay flower that you offer and keeps
it on his head. I am really enthralled to meet you.'
The moment
Kuravanambi heard this, his face expression changed and he was
boiling with anger. He feared that his devotion is now no more a
secret and this would lead to self pride. Being annoyed he asked,
'Who told you all this things'.
King said,
'Lord Balaji'
The potter
said, 'Till date the relationship of mine with Lord Balaji was a
secret. Why did he reveal it to you? ' Being unable to control his
grief the potter breathed his last.
relationship with God should be a secret one. This is the right way
to do devotion. There is no need for others to know about our
devotion. But now a days what we find is most of the people
advertise about their inclination to God to earn fame. A sin
committed by a person remains in his heart, he does not reveal it to
anyone and the sin remains with him throughout his life time. Such
should be our devotion it should be with us till our last breathe,
without revealing it.
Thondaimaan Chakravarti was really amazed seeing the potter's
devotion and now he truly realized why Lord Balaji kept his flower
on the feet and potter's flower on His head.
Balaji did this to spread the fame of Kuravanambi.
Wait till
next month to see how Bagwaan reveals the greatness of His another
sathguru maharaj ki jay

divine personality's divine star
This topic will include the image
of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth star !