
Echo Of  Guru In Voice Of Sishyaas

VEDHAM | 4 |                  SLOKAM | 7 |

Sathguru Geetha

' Extracts from pravachans of our guruji '




jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Guru Mahima

' hymns in praise of guru ' 


upamey  dhyavaa sagar tari tho athyanthchi kshar

athva mhano ksheersagar tari tho nasel kalpanti.

Saarth Shrimath Daasbodh


Here Shri Samartha Ramdasis is tying to give an example to compare the greatness of Sathguru. Sathguru is compared to ocean. He says Guru's mercy is deeper and vaster than the ocean.  Even the ocean cannot be compared to Sathguru's grace.


A lot of enthusiasm is created every year during the end of year. Lot of hopes and aspirations crop-up with the beginning of New Year. We expect a drastic change to happen in our lives in the New Year. We read horoscope for the coming year, we are curious to know what the lines on hand would predict falling to know even the person without hands have future.


But in reality the New Year factor remains novel for only couple of days. Then again it is the same old lifestyle and same old pattern of happiness and sorrows. A major change in our lives can happen only if a Sathguru sprinkles His grace on us. Tat day would really be a new dawn in our life. A new year can change only the date but Sathguru can change the direction of our life. Many examples can be stated to validate the above statement.


Prahalad born in Aasura (demon) community but the blessing of Sage Narada turned him into a devotee of Narayana, for whom Lord Vishnu Himself took Narashima Avatar.


Grace of Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu transformed two people Jadai-Madai who were infamous for their sins into great devotee and a civilized person.


Rahidasar 'the Guru who had sculpted a beautiful carving called Meera- The eternal devotee of Shri Krishna. Even today one praises the Bhakti of Meera and people sing Her Bhajans. This is kind of recognition could be only credited to the seed of Love for Shri Krishna sown by Rahidasar in the mind of small girl of five years.


Swami Ramanujar's krupa which changed Pillaiorangavallidasar to a devotee of Lord Ranga, who was earlier a slave to the beauty of his wife's eyes.


Haridas's grace transformed a prostitute into a devotee of Sri Krishna. Her earlier sins were no more valid and did not form an obstacle in way of her spiritual life. This was possible only due to immense blessings showered by her Guru Haridas.


Sage Narada transformed a dacoit Ratnakar into a supreme devotee of Lord Rama Valmiki who wrote great epic Ramayana.


The blessings of Periazhwaar helped Kodai- Sri Andaal to marry Lord Ranga Himself.


Even in the above verse Shri Samartha Ramdasis tries to compare Grace of Sathguru to the ocean. He says its vaster and deeper than the ocean. Indeed the strength of Guru's grace is observed in the above instances. To transform some one from head to toe requires immense patience and grace which a Sathguru has in abundance.


Sathguru who is capable of making such wonderful changes in our life is ought to be celebrated. If the eve of new-year calls for a mid-night party then presence of Sathguru in our life calls for a life time party of happiness. 



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


 Achyutha Priyaa

' short stories to regain your faith '


In our last issue we saw how the two girls narrated their entire story in front of the King and Queen and expressed their intense desire to visit Brindavan. They said they had come to Bharatha Bhoomi to see Krishna and Brindavan. Fate landed them here at last. Their love prevents them from thinking of going to Brindavan leaving them. At the same time their thirst for Brindavan was also pulling them. If the king and the queen would allow them to go then they wanted to go to Brindavan for once and come back.  The king was happy to hear about their wish. He said they could have told him earlier it self.  It is everyone’s right to go to Brindavan? They need not have hesitated for this. He would have made all arrangements for them to go and see Brindavan.
Immediately all arrangements were done by the King. Haseena and Hameeda were overjoyed to hear that.  How merciful Krishna is! They only had to surrender themselves to Him. He was there to make all arrangements for them. It is the truth. We have to only entrust Him our life. The rest will be taken care of by Him.  If we try to be the driver of a vehicle then we have to take care of everything from petrol to break, follow all the traffic rules, etc as the entire responsibility of all the passengers rests on us. But on the other hand if we prefer to be passengers then we have no worry. We have just to get in the vehicle and make ourselves comfortable and get down as soon as our destination has reached. Similarly we have to leave everything to Lord Parthasarathy and feel relaxed.

Prayer does not mean desire or wish. Wishing for something is different. It should be our need. If our prayer becomes a need then God sees to it that it is done.

The children stayed with the King and the Queen for a day more. Next day they started for Brindavan in a palanquin with helpers to take them there. At last they reached Brindavan. They alighted from the palanquin with tears of joy and looked around. Brindavan was indeed pleasing for their eyes. Brindavan is the Aandha puram of Krishna; it is the leela sthalam of our sweet, naughty Krishna.  Brindavan is equal to Brindavan only. So many Mahans have done penance here to reach their Lord Krishna! They hesitated to step inside. A crowd was coming along singing bhajans and they were pulled with them.

They reached the banks of Yamuna. They didn’t know where they were. Haseena asked Hameeda whether it was river Yamuna. Some passer by told them it was Yamuna. They were overwhelmed with emotions. With folded hands they prayed to Yamuna. Oh mother Yamuna! U know Krishna pretty well. We are from a place outside Bharatha Bhoomi. We have heard about you and the leelas Krishna has played here with the gopar and the gopis of the vraja bhoomi and are desirous of seeing Him. But we don’t know whether He likes us or not. We are not used to the customs and practices of this country.  But we hope that Krishna will accept us too.

They looked around and could see people going here and there enjoying. They too moved around seeing the places. As the sun set they again came to the banks of Yamuna. They could see men offering their evening obeisance in the river. They watched them with interest and were doing namajapam continuously. They haven’t yet seen their Krishna.

As night was nearing people began to go away. They were left alone. From somewhere away they could hear soft music flowing towards them. They listened to the music and were looking around for the source of the music. At a distance they could see a boat coming towards them. It was rowed by ladies and contained many beautiful ladies. They could hear them refer to Krishna and Radha. They couldn’t believe their own eyes. They could actually see Krishna with Radha on the boat. They were immersed in divine love. Ashtasakhis were sitting around them doing service to the divine pair.

Haseena exclaimed to Hameeda, isn’t it Krishna!  Hameeda stood tongue tied. As they were watching the boat moved towards them slowly. They were moved by the beauty, the elegance, luster of Radhakrishna and the ashta sakhis. The boat came near them and two sakhis from the boat landed, came towards them took their hands and led them towards the boat. Before they could think anything they were sitting along with the ashtasakhis before Radha and Krishna. Radhekrishna!! The boat began slowly to move back.

Haseena and Hameeda were never seen in Brindavan by anybody after that. Radhekrishna! To this day nobody knows where they went. Are they still with Krishna, what happened to their mortal bodies, did they merge with Krishna, are they still alive playing with their Krishna, nobody knows. Only a few lucky ones present near the place saw them taken away in a boat by some divine ladies.  They just know that the girls have gone with Krishna. Further no one has any information. Where is Arabia and where is Brindavan. Pure bhakthi can do wonders. If two Muslim women can attain Krishna then why not we who have been blessed to be born here and who have attained a sathguru?  Do bhakthi as Haseena and Hameeda. Radhekrishna!

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


Uththama Nakshathraa

'divine personality's divine star '

This topic will include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth star !




Poigai Aazhwar


Aippasi Maasam - Thiruvonam Nakshathram - Shravana in Sanskrit



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



'power of divine grace'       

My Pranams and Radhekrishna to Guruji Amma and Guruji. Through Guruji Amma and Guruji’s graces, I have been experiencing many wonders in my life. I would like to share one of my recent experiences.                                                         

My parents had been to Badrinath, through Krishna’s Graces. My family was fortunate enough to see Lord Badrinath’s Abhishek. After the Abhishek, the priests had applied sandal paste {Chandan} on everyone’s forehead (including my parents’ forehead).         

 To everyone’s surprise, out of the chandan on my father’s forehead, my name Pravir started getting formed automatically. Now my father’s forehead had the chandan with my name Pravir inscribed on it. It was clearly visible. Even my mother saw it. My father clicked the snaps also.

 This experience is only because of Guruji Amma and Guruji’s graces. Through this experience, I realized that Krishna is constantly watching me and His Grace is always there. I pray to Guruji Amma and Guruji to shower their blessings and I should do more namajapam.                                                                  

Disciple and Servant of Guruji Amma and Guruji                         



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Dhivya Dharshan

'the feast for your soul'

Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay

Punya Kaal

'sathsang programmes''


Radhekrishna !!! Guruji's Mumbai trip was fantastic. All the devotees enjoyed Guruji's sathsangam a lot. Guruji did sathsangam on  Thirukoloor Pennpillai Rahasyam and Thiruppavai. Thirukoloor Pennpillai Rahasyam was very different this time. After a long gap Guruji did sathsangam on Thirukoloor Pennpillai Rahasyam. Every time Guruji comes with different explanations.

Thiruppavai was also no doubt unbeatable. It was really different. All the devotees were completely engrossed in Guruji's sathsangam. Each time Guruji's sathsangam on Thiruppavai is different.

On Vaikunda Ekadhasi bhajans with short sathsang was held at Balaji temple. Just by Gurujiamma and Guruji's grace many devotees were blessed to attend and hear from Guruji.

The Pandarpur trip was also fantabulous. All the devotees had a great time with Guruji. There are no words to describe as to how the trip was!!!! All the devotees danced, sang bhajans.....and just enjoyed the trip!

On 31st December bhajans and short sathsangam took place at a devotees residence. All the devotees had a very good experience in this trip. Guruji left for Bangalore on 1st Jan.



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




'whole hearted dedications'


This issue we are dedicating to Raja Thondaimanar.


The one who was a king but a humble and true devotee of Lord Balaji.


The one who used to chant Lord Balaji's nama throughout.


The one who was so engrossed in his devotion that he forgot to take care of a family who was under his responsibility.


The one who asked Lord Balaji to bring back life in the people who died because of him.


The one who was so confident and had unconditional faith in Lord Balaji.


The one whose devotion melted Lord Balaji and He paid heed to Raja Thondaimanar's  prayers.



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang

Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
