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KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
July 2008 Issue |
Vedham 5 Slokam 1 |
Sathguru Geetha |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
Will be uploded Shorthly |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Guru Mahima |
Hymns in Praise of Guru |
koNdennaik kaarimaa Rappiraan, (Kanninun
Siru Thaambhu7) Meaning:
" The illustrious and merciful son of Porkaariyaar,
Nammalwar has extinguished In the above verse Madhurakavi Alwar says his guru has extinguished all his sins, like wise every Guru makes sure that his disciples are not let alone. This is evident from the below illustrated example also. |
we feel neglected. We think that no one cares about us. At those lonely
times we curse God for putting us in such a situation, without knowing
that at all times He is with us. Even Sathguru resembles God. He is with
us always. But no special gesture is required from His side to prove
that He cares about us. A Satsishya has unconditional faith and believes
in His Guru irrespective of Guru’s approach towards Him. Swami Ramanujar is one of the prominent Sathguru of Hindu Dhrama. Swami Ramanujar had a Madham (a place from where holy activities are carried out). There were many disciples who resided in Madham. Each of the disciples was assigned a specific duty. During the course of performing the duty the sisyaas used to interact with Swami Ramanujar. Many disciples developed a close proximity to Swami Ramanujar. There was Vaishanav in the Madham who was deaf and dumb. He used to carry the daily Chores in the Madham and was helping in cooking and housekeeping. He
never got to interact with Swami Ramanujar. Even Swami Ramanujar
didn’t spoke to him. But the dumb vaishanav was not disturbed by this
fact. He used to listen to the pravachans (discourses) and performed his
duties sincerely. For a normal person he would consider it to be
partiality. But the dumb vaishanav had no complaints his only desire was
to serve Swami Ramanujar. One
day when the Madham was relatively less crowded Swami Ramanujar called
the dumb vaishanav inside a room and addressed to close the door. The
dumb vaishanav was very nervous and excited too. He didn’t understand
why Swami Ramanujar was doing so. All
these were seen by Kuruathalwaar (disciple of Swami Ramanujar). Even
Kuruathalwaar was surprised and not been able to contain his curiosity
saw through the keyhole what was happening inside. The dumb vaishanav
sat at the feet of Swami Ramanujar. Swami Ramanujar in a full
compassionate manner said, “I am your support. I will be your
everything. You need not go anywhere. I will take care of your needs.”
these words the dumb vaishanav’s joy knew no bound. He felt that his
purpose of life is now justified. Hearing this conversation
Kuruathalwaar was amazed because never Swami Ramanujar could express in
such His greatness in such a straight forward manner in clear words but
for the dumb vaishanav He did it. When Swami Ramanujar came out of
the room, Kuruathalwaar first begged pardon for hearing the conversation
between Him and the dumb vaishanav and said that, “If I would have
been dumb you could have revealed the secret to me like this. I am one
of those unfortunates who is being made to learn the Vedas and puranas
when the gist of all those scriptures is in front of me.” |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Aachyutha Priya |
Short stories to regain your faith |
Pennpillai tries to convince Swami Ramanuajr that she is not fit to live
in Thirikoolur. Last two months we have seen that Thirikoolur Pennpillai
citing the example of Accrurar and Vithura explains the reason for not
staying in Thirikoolur. The third sentence she says in this
context is “Dehatai Vittone Rishi pathni polle” (Did I sacrifice my
body like wife of Rishi) Brindavan is
a place liked most by Bagawaan Krishna. This is because Brindavan's only
motive was to give happiness to Bagawaan Krishna. She had no choice of
her own. She very well knew the likes and dislikes of Bagawaan Krishna
and altered her accordingly to provide pleasure to Bagawaan Krishna.
Bagwaan Krishna was the king of the Brindavan and everything used
to happen in as per His wish. Till today Mahatamas respect
Brindavan and salute only because of the reason that Bagwaan Krishna
adored it |
was being carried at Brindavan by Rishis. Brindavan is not a place to
carry yagna as it is Prema Bhoomi. This place is Wife of
Rishis were frightened that After
walking quite a distance they reached the place where the Rishis were
performing the Yagna. But disappointedly the Gopars returned and told The Gopars
accordingly went from the backside of Yagna and passed on the mesage to
Rishis' wives Hearing that the Rishis' wives were filled with joy they
started packing all the food items made and with all enthusiasm to see Quoting
this example Thirikoolur Pennpillai says has she scarified the body like
the Rishi's wife sfor her to be eligible to stay at Thirikoolur.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Hrudhayaanjali |
The power of divine grace |
My Pranams to Guruji
Amma and Guruji. Guruji’s. Hearing Guruji’s Sathsang has given
a new dimension to my life. They have showered enormous grace on me for
which I would be always thankful. I am an engineering student presently
in the 3rd year of engineering. We have 2 semesters in each year.
Everything was very new and it was very difficult to adapt to the
engineering pattern. The syllabus has to be studied within 3 months and
an exam hyas to be given. It was my 1st semester examination. The first
paper was Mathematics. Before starting the paper, I did Gurudhyanam and
Namajapam.I looked at the paper and to my shock I could not solve a
single question. I really became tensed and started chanting more and
more. At the end of 3 hours,
I managed to attempt for only 50 marks (passing marks was 40).I was
really sure that i could not clear this paper. The next day i came to
know that the paper had major errors of around 40 marks and every
student will get grace marks of 14.KRISHNA!! I was still not sure of
clearing the paper. I did Namajapam and remembered Guruji’s words”
Whaterever happens will happen for good.” On the result day, to my
surprise I got 45 marks in Maths paper. It was all due to Krishna Krupa.
In the second semester
I scored very less marks and was upset. Then Guruji’s words flashed,
“Ellam Krishna Leelai daan”(everything is Ramya
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Dhivya Darshan |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Punya Kaal |
Sathsang programmes |
With this issue Krishnavedham has Completed four years. The continuation was possible only due to the grace of Guruji Amma and Guruji. We at Krishnavedham team are greatful to guruji for his continuous support. We are sure that Krishnavedham would complete Many more successful year. Guruji Sathsang at Mumabi began from 7th of July. Satsang on Krishna Leela was held at a residence from 7th to 10th of July both in morning and evening. Bagwaan Krishna's Gokula Leela were illustrated in a very lively manner. The persons hearing the Satsang felt they were not in Mumbai in Kaliyuga but in Golukam in Dwaparayug. Guruji's upcomimg satsang in Mumbai are 11th -13th July2008 at Matunga Bajana Samaj. Topic Kaliyuga Dharma, Jardradai and Andaal Kalyaanam 15th-24th July 2008 Sattoshi Mata Temple, Dombivili. Topic Thirikoolur Pennpillai Ragasiyam Guruji Along with Shisyaas are levaing for Pandarpur on 25th july 2008 for a two days divine experience at Vittal's own place all devotees are invited to join the trip.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Shradhaarpanam |
Our wholehearted dedications |
We dedicate
our this fourth aniversary special issue to Our Guruji Mahan Braham
Shri Gopalvallidasar
The one has changed the the lives of the sishyaas to a tremendous extent The one who's constant effort is towards upliftment of masses The one who takes care of his sishyaas like mother and protects them like father The one whose grace has lead Krishanavedham to complete four year of issue
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar