~ KrishnavedhaM~ Echo Of Guru In Voice Of Sishyaas VEDHAM 3 SLOKAM 12
Happy Birthday Dearest Guruji ! ! !
A very special issue for KrishnavedhaM....celebrating Guruji's birthday. |
' Extracts from pravachans of our guruji '
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
GURU MAHIMA ' hymns in praise of guru '
samundar masi kare, lekhani sab banraay Sant Kabir Das
seas turned to ink, into pen all forest,
formula one racer boasts of driving at a great speed. But even he needs
a navigator to guide him. Same way we may be going at an overwhelming
pace in our life but we need some one to show the way throughout our
life. Or else we would fumble and fall. Everything has its own
limitations. E.g. Mighty Ocean is bound within the earth. The scorching
sun can show its power only during the day time. But the grace of
Mahatamas is not limited by any factor. The apt adjective to describe
the grace of Sathguru would be “irrational”.
In the above verse Kabir Das tells that even if the seven seas is tuned into Ink, and the all the forest are turned into Pen and this earth is made into a sheet of paper the glory of Sathguru can’t be written. To visualize the quantity of Ink equaling seven seas, forest as pen and earth as a sheet of paper itself seems to be something beyond our imagination. Then how can we quantify Sathguru’s glory which cannot be even explained with the aid of such massive objects.
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
' short stories to regain your faith '
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Ananyaaschinthayantho mam ye janah paryupaasathe Thesham nithyaabhiyukthanam yogakshemam vahaamyaham.
Bhagavan should not be forgotten at any time. There is no need for that also. Always we should have bhagavan in our mind. In Geetha Bhagavan says that I take care of the well being, and welfare of that bhaktha who nurtures no other thought than me. He depends on nobody but me. Those who always think of me, who always hold on to my feet, I take care of their yoga and kshema.” Yoga means attaining the unattainable. Kshemam means to keep safe that which is attained. Only these two are needed in life.
The gopas had that much of faith in Lord Krishna. They never relied on anyone else. When ever they went to the forest for grazing their cows, they had to face hurdles many times. Many a time they have come face to face with dangers in the form of Aghasura, Bakasura, Vatsasura, Kaliya etc. They turned to Krishna only when they were hungry in the midst of forest. That unflinching faith in the Lord definitely helps the devottee.
This faith the two little girls Haseena and Hamida had. They had only heard stories about the blue hued boy Krishna. But they relied on the Sadguru’s words that Krishna will come to our help if we hold on to Him without any doubt. They had fallen into a terrible situation where there was nobody in favour of them. The pirates who had no morale were full of lust. The girls were utterly in a helpless situation. There was no way out visibly. But even at that time they didn’t loose their hope, and were chanting Krishna Krishna with full faith.
Miraculously the leader of the pirates felt that they should be sold as slaves which will fetch them money and which in turn will fetch them more women. Krishna Kripa comes from the most unexpected quarters. One can never predict anything. Antharyami can change even a lion into a cat. No one can escape his verdict.
This is Krishna! Draupathi was in a situation where the whole court couldn’t come to her help. Not even her husbands. But even in that situation she could think only of her Krishna. She called out His nama with full faith which virtually pulled Him towards her. Most unexpectedly the cloth she was wearing began to grow long and long. Can anyone explain this? She relied on Him and He came rushing to her help in the form of the cloth itself!
In Srimad Bhagavatha Kunti Devi while praising the Lord when He was about to leave Hastinapura, narrates a series of occasions when the Lord came with timely help to Pandavas. When Bhima was fed with poisoned sweets, it was the Lord’s grace that saved him from that situation. When the Kauravas plotted to burn the Pandavas alive in the palace made of wax, It was He who sent Vidura and saved them. When the Pandavas were in exile they were trapped into a situation where they were about to incur the wrath of Durvasa the saint. Krishna appeared at the right moment to help them. We can go on giving examples to show the Lord’s grace.
The same thing happened here also. The antharyami in the heart of the leader of the pirates changed his mind. The girls were taken to some unknown city and the pirates dressed as merchants started bidding them for sale as slaves. The girls were very beautiful and looked fresh due to their innocence. Wicked men with lust surrounded them with the intention of buying them to appease their physical needs. The girls were trembling like leaves but still had hope that Krishna will help them in any situation. Hasn’t He saved them from the lust of the pirates in a miraculous way! Here too He will come to their rescue was their thought.
Bhakthi wins ultimately. Whatever happens we shouldn’t lost our hope and faith in God. God alone is there to help us. Mother Sita was imprisoned by Ravana the rakshasa with wrong intentions. She kept on chanting Rama nama when among the rakshasis. Ravana couldn’t touch her even. She was there for almost 12 months. But his intentions failed. Her bhakthi won.
The bidding was going on. Though the girls were attractive nobody till now had offered them their bid price. As the pirate thought of reducing the bid rate in his hurry to give them off and go away with the money an old King from somewhere came there unexpectedly. It is true that Krishna will land up in the most unexpected way.
Akroora was among bad company only. There was nobody to support his Krishna bhakthi. But he didn’t leave his hold on the Lotus Feet of Bhagavaan. And see what happened! It was Kamsa who asked him to go to Brindavan to bring Krishna. Krishna will fetch us help even through our enemies. We only have to wait for His grace and do chanting sincerely.
He saw the two girls stranded among the wicked men. It was a strange sight. Two pretty girls who seemed to hail from a good family background standing with the villain looking people looked most un natural for him. He felt pity for them. Suddenly he developed love, not lust for the girls. He decided to save them from the situation and bought them giving the money they demanded.
The king took the girls with him to his palace. The queen was surprised to see 2 young beautiful girls coming with the king. When she enquired the king told her that as they didn’t have any issues, God has been kind enough to gift them with these two children. The queen was spared of the difficulty of carrying the babies in the womb or taking care of the infants etc. Hearing these words the queen was extremely happy. If our prayer is sincere and deserving, God will fulfill it in the best way possible.
Haseena and Hamida started shedding tears thinking ot God’s grace. Weren’t they rescued from such a terrible situation as hell ! God is indeed great! They were happy that Krishna had saved them. Flow of God’s grace is same for everybody. It is the receiving end that decides the quantity to be enjoyed. We forget that and keep blaming bhagavan that He is not kind to us. He sheds his grace to each individual according to his needs only. We greatly misunderstand that. Remember prasadams of different temples are different. That can never be same. But the fact remains that they are all His prasadam. Each and every incident in our life is a lesson for us to make us mature enough.
The king and the queen were pleased to have the gift of two grown up young girls as their children. Haseena and Hamida were astonished by the grace of Krishna even before their entering Brindavan.
The king asked the queen to dress up the children according to the Hindu custom. The queen adorned them with silk skirts, blouse, silk half saree etc. She plaited their hair, decorated with lots of flowers, put on jewels like necklace, bangles, anklets, hip chains, golden belts, rings on the fingers, nasal rings, ear rings, pendant on the forehead, golden hair adorns (rakkodi) on both sides of the parted hair etc. They exactly looked like princesses. The king’s joy knew no bounds. The girls looked like Hindus. It has to be so. The krishna dhyanam of the girls turned them into gopis.
In Srimad Bhagavatham, 11th chapter, the Avadootha talks to Yadu maharaja about 24 gurus from whom he learnt a lot. Out of them he refers to the bee which builds a hive with mud, and keeps its worm in it. Whenever the worm tries to come out the bee will sting it. The worm keeps thinking of the bee only out of fear. Ultimately it turns out to be bee itself. Likewise Dathathreya says that by the constant thought of the Lord the jiva attains the paramaathma.
The gopis when deserted by Krishna in the midst of the forest were so immersed in His thoughts that they began to assume themselves to be Krishna and started imitating Him. That was the depth of the bhakthi they had for Krishna.
Haseena and Hamida have heard much about Krishna, Brindavan and the Gopis. They always nurtured in their mind what they have heard from the Mahan. Ultimately their bhava led them to become gopis themselves. This is the greatness of smarana.
The king and the queen gave them some new names and brought them up as their daughters. They never enquired them about their story lest they should feel upset. But the king could sense some deep sorrow inside them. He asked the queen to enquire them about it. One day the queen asked them the reason for their sorrow. Wernt they happy there? The girls said they were in fact happier than they were with their parents.
It was then that they poured out the whole story. They said they had come to Bharatha desam to see Krishna and Brindavan. Fate landed them here at last. Their love prevents them from thinking of going to Brindavan leaving the loving parents. At the same time their thirst for Brindavan was also pulling them. If the king and the queen would allow them to go then they wanted to go to Brindavan for once and come back.
Brindavan! The one place where each jiva would want to go. The empire of Radha Rani, the personification of love. Where there is only love and love. Where only those with gopi bhava are allowed inside. It is only due to the merits of many births in the past that one can enter the holy land. Many Mahans have spent their life here in Brindavan. Sri Chaithanya Mahaprabhu could think of the word Brindavan with tears only.
Did the girls from the Arab country who came to see Brindavan reach there? How did they attain their wish? Wait till next month to know. Till then do bhakthi like Haseena and Hamida and keep chanting. Radhekrishna! Radhekrishna!
NAKSHATHRAA ' divine personality's divine star '
This topic will include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth star !
*** Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar ***
Vaikaasi Masam - Aaslesha - Aayilyam Vaikaasi month; Aayilyam nakshathram in Tamil; also spelled as Aaslesha in Sanskrit.
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Radhekrishna! Getting Guruji in life itself is a great experience. Out of many experiences, I would like to share one of my experience with you all.
After my delivery which was a caesarian , I got a severe back ache and pain in my right leg. I tried many medicines but nothing worked out. At that time Guruji was in Mumbai. He asked one of His sishyan to try to get me an appointment in Hinduja hospital. The orthopedic surgeon is so busy person that to get his appointment it takes at least one month. By Guruji's grace I got the appointment for the very next day. I went to the doctor. He asked me to get an MRI scanning done. When I found out the cost it was Rs.5000 for MRI. I came back home and told everything to Guruji. Guruji said "Namajabam pannina thanavey vazhi kadaikum." {If you do chanting you will definitely get a way out.} One of my office colleague got me a letter from one of the doctor whom he knew. He had some influence at the MRI scan centre.
By Guruji's grace only I got the MRI scanning done at Rs.3000. I got the further treatment and now I am fine.
Even I have a Hernia problem. Many doctors had told to get it operated. I haven't done the operation yet. All because of Guruji's grace I am leading my life without any problem.
Whatever problems or difficulties I face, if I empty my heart before Guruji I really feel very much relaxed !
I am really very much blessed to have Guruji as my Anna !!!! Radhekrishna!
Guruji's sishyay Kavita
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Radhekrishna. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar left on May 20th to Singapore. Many devotees enjoyed the sathsangam there. Guruji left to Brunei on June 2nd. Many families are enjoying Guruji's sathsangam. There was Rukmini Kalyanam at a devotee's residence on 8th of June. This was celebrated by everyone there very grandly. Everyone is enjoying Guruji's sathsangam.
Those who wish to get blessed from Guruji on 13th June can call up at this number 006733336133. Radhekrishna.
June 13th being Guruji's birthday, we the KrishnavedhaM team have a surprise for our Guruji. In comparison to Guruji's grace we are totally nil. But this is a small gift from the whole team of youngsters for our dearest Guruji....Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar.... Click Here....
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
We are dedicating the issue to Thuluka Nachiyaar.
The Islamic Princess in Delhi who developed a liking towards Selvappillai (Utsava Moorthi of Melkottai).
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar