Aacharyvaan Purusho Vedha: |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
June 2008 Issue |
Vedham 4 Slokam 12 |
Sathguru Geetha |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
Guruji Offering flowers to Jayadevar at Kindubilvam near Puri |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Guru Mahima |
Hymns in Praise of Guru |
yaalmikka naanmaRai yaaLar_kaL, (Kanninun Siru Thaambhu 4) Meaning "When I
had been ignored as worthless by the great scholars renowned for their It is an established fact that a Sathguru brings tremendous changes in our lives. Even in the above verse Madhurakavi Alwar explains that His Sathguru has given him the love and care which others refrain from giving and thus acknowledges him as his Master. The disciples always want to do something for Sathguru in return for the grace showered by him. However any thing done will not equal Sathguru’s Krupa. The extent to which a disciple is willing to do something for a Sathguru proves his degree of sincerity towards his Sathguru. |
In an incident a Sathguru with his sishyaas and sishyais were crossing a river to go to the other side of the bank. It was a smooth sail until suddenly a storm raised in the river. The boat started losing its balance. The person rowing the boat instructed that at least one person should jump off the boat so that everyone else would be saved. The force of the water was of such a high magnitude that even a person knowing swimming who jumps off cannot swim his way to the bank. The disciples were worried that their Sathguru’s life was at stake but no one was ready to sacrifice his life to saves Sathguru’s life. This is the moment where a self centered thought engulfs and we are not ready to break it even for the sake of Sathguru. But a sisyai (female disciple) proved exception to this. She prayed to her Sathguru and jumped into the gushing water to save the life of her Sathguru. She didn’t know swimming. His is referred to a Guru Bkahti: - ever ready to do anything for the welfare of Sathguru without caring about oneself. Once she was into the water she didn’t even battle to save herself but meditated on her Sathguru. In the flowing water the sisyai got hold of a ladder with help of which she was able to reach the bank. Others were surprised to see her safe on the bank. The sisyai first came to the Sathguru and took his blessings. The Sathguru was the happiest person to see his sisyai back. Actually it was Sathguru’s grace which saved the sisyai. When the sisyai jumped into the river Sathguru was praying hard and his prayers yielded fruits inform of the sisyai finding the ladder and gave the sisyai the strength to overcome the forceful waters and reach the bank safely. This incidence proves the Bhakti of the sisyai which she had towards her Guru and the grace of Sathguru to save his disciples in any situation.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Aachyutha Priya |
Short stories to regain your faith |
Thirikoolur Pennpillai tries to convince Swami Ramanuajr that she is not fit to live in Thirikoolur. The second sentence she says in this context is “Aaham Othithu Vitheno Vithurarai polle” (Did I destroy self pride like Vithura) The self pride should be completely lost. The consciousness of I, me, myself should be submerged. Sleep is relaxing only because we loose our self conscious. Even a little alert makes the sleep disturbing and unpleasant. Self pride rises from the factor that ‘I belong to such community, I have studied so much, I have a good personality, I have good intelligence, I have a rich family culture etc’ These factors will be dissolved once our minds and heats are inclined to Shri Krishna |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Hrudhayaanjali |
The power of divine grace |
My crores
and crores of Radhekrishna and humble pranams to our Gurujiamma and
Guruji. The next
day morning I had to attend a class test at 7:00am in the morning. Hence I
had decided to get up at 4:00am in the morning to just go through the
portions. As usual I had kept alarm in cell and for time being I switched
off the cell so as to not to waste the charge. I prayed Gurujiamma to wake
me up early in the morning. I forgot to switch on the cell and went to
sleep. Next day morning I heard a sweet voice saying “neram ayiduthu,
yeyunduru”. [ Its time, get up]. That time I remembered I forgot to on
the cell yesterday night. I thought it must be late now. And when I saw
the clock it was exactly sharp 4:00am in the morning. I was shocked. This
never happened to me. Then I remembered I heard some one’s voice calling
me. Then I
understood it was none another than our Gurujiamma’s voice. She only
woke me up from the dark to light. Gurujiamma
and Guruji wakes all of us from this material world and shows a flowerful
path to Moksha. I pray our Gurujiamma and Guruji to bless all of us to come out of unwanted thoughts and to be always their children.
Guruji's Sishyai Swati |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Dhivya Darshan |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Punya Kaal |
Sathsang programmes |
Shri Poojya Shree Shree Amma's Birthday and
Birthstar was celebrated in a grand manner in Thirunalvelli and at various
disciples's place. From 21st May till 31st May 2008 Sathsang of Guruji was
held in Kalladaikuruchi and Erankulam. Sathsang on various topics like
Meera Mata, Anajaeneyaar, Geethaamrutham Varaha Avatharam,and Rukmini
Kalyanam. From June 1st Sathsang is being held in Thutukudi. The topics
covered are Hindhu Dharama and Dhivaya Desha Mahima. Disciples in large numbers are are being blessed to hear
Sathsang. June 8th and June13th being Bithstar and Birthday of our Guruji we want to
dedicate our wishes to him.
Following is small token of love which we want to express on occaion of Guruji Amma's and Guruji's birthday.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Shradhaarpanam |
Our wholehearted dedications |
We dedicate this issue to Shivaji Maharaj |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
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