





Echo Of Guru In Voice Of Sishyaas





' Extracts from pravachans of our guruji '




jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




' hymns in praise of guru '


Mahathsanghastu durlabhaha agamyo amoghashcha

                                                             Naaradha Bhakthisutram                                    

In the previous issue, we had discussed as to how difficult it is to attain the company of mahatmas. Also it is not attainable by ordinary search. Let us take an example. A friend or a colleague can be easily attained by ordinary search. A student steps into a college for the first time. He or she casually interacts with new people. If the ideas or ideologies match, they become thick friends. But this is not so in the case of a Sathguru. It is rare to even have a vision of such mahatmas, leave alone developing good relationship with them. But if one possesses real thirst, the mahatmas themselves step forward and accept the person as their disciple. They don’t care for the external/ physical appearance.  Material friendship is formed on the basis of external appearance. External beauty, external manners and culture are the primary causes of attraction and relationships. Today a person may want to enter into friendly relations because he/she may like a particular quality. But if these qualities are no longer present, there is a full stop to the material friendship. But a Sathguru expects a true and a noble heart yearning for Lord Krishna.  He always remains impartial. Though not present physically a sathguru’s sanctity can be felt always. Even if the disciple leaves Him, the Guru still constantly prays for the well-being and happiness of the His disciple. Such is the greatness and mercy of a Sathguru. Who else in this material world has such a noble quality? This quality of mercy and forgiveness is the

Greatest of all the qualities.

There is a major difference between a search for a Sathguru and a search for an ordinary mortal. A sathguru’s search is soul – based while a mortal’s search is based on externality.

Lord Krishna is the only and a real requirement of the soul. A Sathguru is the only one who is capable of delivering happiness to the soul. A search for a Sathguru can be regarded as an eternal one. It is after many births, a soul attains a Sathguru The last aspect of this verse is that a Sathguru’s company never goes in vain. Sometimes we meet certain people, but later realize that we should not have interacted with them.
We develop certain expectations about people. But on non fulfillment of those criteria, we discontinue the relationship. A Sathshishya (True devotee) never expects anything from his/her Sathguru. He or she feel that whatever a Sathguru does, it is for their benefit only.

A Sathguru is the sole selfless well-wisher of his disciple.
When is a relationship said to go in vain? If the outcome of a relation is not beneficial, such a relationship goes in vain. But a Sathguru gives blessings, bhakthi and namajapam. These are the best things in the world. Rationally speaking, how can this relationship go in vain?



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay





' short stories to regain your faith '


With every sunrise we wake up with a hope that today would be better than yesterday and things would go as per our plans. But what happens is the same story again. Right from getting up at right time, catching the right train, doing things properly we always don’t touch the perfection. This frustrates us. Whatever we expect doesn’t happen. This happens because we do things as per our wish. We think we know what is best for ourselves.

  But this is not true. We can’t read what is going on in our mind. We take decisions based on what others suggest. For example even for simple things like selecting our clothes we are influenced by current trends and fashion. Some times we do such things and repent upon it. So do we judge ourselves in the best way, the answer seems to be negative. When we ask suggestion from others, people give us solution based on their experience and their opinion and not what would suits us.  So how do we know what is good and bad for us?

Bagawan Krishna knows each and every aspect of our life. He knows what is best for us. So our aim in life should be to do things as per the wish of Bagawan Krishna. Once we start doing things for Lord Krishna we are bound to do it perfectly. Even if things we do is not up to the mark, once it is offered to Krishna it becomes Prasad (divine offerings) and Lord Krishna the defects in it and gives us only the good things. Now how do you believe this? It is a matter of faith in Bagawan Krishna. The more you listen to Krishna leelas and more you Namasankeertanam the deeper will be your faith in Him. In Achyutha Priyaa we are presenting such true stories to enhance your faith.

In our last issue, we saw how the boy’s mother advised her son to believe in Gopal Anna and go to school. At last, the boy became ready to go when his mother created a staunch belief that Gopal Anna would surely come to help him. The boy was proceeding on his way to school, which were miles away from his home. He had to cross a dense forest, which was most terrifying for him. The fear, which was deeply rooted in hs mind, started increasing gradually. He could hear some sounds, which added to his fear. At this point of time the boy remembered his mother’s words. She had told him that whenever he would feel afraid he could call Gopal Anna who shall come running to help him.

This is a true fact, which many of us fail to understand. During our lifetime, we may come across the situations, where we shall be alone with no one to help or guide us. Even in such situations, the only one who help us and make us feel his presence with us is our sweet, little, charming, caring, ever friendly Krishna!!!!!! He is there with us irrespective of the place, time or situation. But it is we, who lack the capability of realizing His mercy!

The histories and great epics of past have proved to us, that Bagawan Sri Krishna had always come to rescue, each single jeevathma which had craved for Him. The great Mahatma Swami Ramanujar was totally lost in Vindhiya hills and could not find away to come out of it. In such a situation Swami Ramanujar prayed whole-heartedly to Bagawan Varadarajan. The moment Varadarajan heard the call of Swami Ramanujar; He disguised Himself as a hunter and came running to help His child, who was eagerly yearning for His help!

The great Bhakthai Sackhubai had an intense urge to see Bagawan Vitthal of Pandarpur. But circumstances and people around her did not permit to do so; tied her and locked her in a dark room. Sackhubai prayed to Krishna saying, ‘Hey Karunasagara, Hey Gopala, Hey Mukundha, My dear Krishna please show me some way to come at your place. Krishna I have surrendered myself at Your Lotus Feet. Krishna I have no one except You to help me. I believe in you only!!!’ Bagawan Krishna who is the ocean mercy could not see His devotee in such a misery. He immediately took the form of Sackhubai Himself and went to her place. He then untied her and asked her to tie Him in her place and fulfilled her desire without revealing His original form!!!!!

Such is the greatness and mercy of Krishna who is ready to face any difficulty or do anything for fulfilling the desires of His Bhakthaas. He is the only one who can help us by putting an end to our sufferings and give true happiness. One of our Great epic Mahabharatha states how Krishna responded to the call of His Bhakthai Draupadhi. Draupadhi was brought in front of the Maha Sabha. Duriyodhana had ordered to remove her clothes and make her stand naked. That sabha was full of great well-known and renowned personalities like Bhishma, Dronacharya, Drudurastra, and more over her five husbands who were a great Yodha and specialized in different, fields.

Draupadhi pleaded to every great Mahatma who was present in that sabha for helping her. But all that they could do was to bow down their head in front of her appeal. She then tried herself. But all her efforts went in vain. She then realized that neither her dear ones nor relatives can save her nor she herself can. The only one who can help her is Krishna. Hence at lat she found no way out and raised both her hands, saying Govinda Pundarikaksha Rakshamam Sarranagatha. She surrendered herself fully at the Lotus Feet of Lord Krishna. She prayed to Krishna ‘Hey Dayaka Sindhu, I have surrendered myself at your Lotus Feet. I am your child, your responsibility. An insult to me would be an insult to you. Hey Gopi Manala, the Gopis of the Vraja Bhoomi rose up their hand and appealed to you when you stole their clothes. Similarly I am also calling you for my help. Please save me. But before Krishna could come for Draupadhi’s help His Naama came in the form of clothes for her.

Such is the Mahima of Krishna Naamasankeertanam. Hence it is said that “AVAN DURASTHANA ERINDALUM EIDU KITA NINDRU OODAVAM” That means though Krishna may be far away but His Naama shall always be with us to help, guide and cherish us. That is ‘Namam Veray Illay Naami Veray Illay.’ This means Krishna and His Naama are not two identical things but Krishna naamasankeertanam itself means Krishna only.

Our loving, charming, naughty Krishna responds to the calls of not only Jeevathmas but also the animals. Such is our kind compassionate Krishna. A crocodile caught Gajendra elephant’s leg. All other elephants with him tried various ways and means to rescue him. But everyone failed. At last Gajendra raised his trunk and called Krishna for His help saying “Aademulamay” Krishna responded to his call instantly. That very moment Krishna came running gave Moksha to that crocodile and saved the life of Gajendra.

The capability and powers of human beings are restricted and limited. Our fellow beings can provide only a temporary calmness in our minds with their soothing words but only Krishna can bring us out of our difficulty and sufferings. The only thing we have to do is to call Him with a very little faith that He shall surely and undoubtedly help us.

The child easily crossed the city but as he was proceeding towards the outskirts of the city and was about to enter the forest a fear engulfed in his mind as to how I can cross this forest? Then immediately he remembered his mother’s words that Gopal Anna would come to his rescue. This is how a battle goes in our mind between the good and evil thoughts and we loose ourselves in the battle. Being trapped in this world of illusion we are unable to come out of it. So to liberate ourselves we have to beg to the person who has trapped us – Bagawan Krishna. Once you surrender yourself to Bagwan Krishna he would guide to take correct decision. He guided Arjuna even in the battlefield and told the Bagawath Geetha for the only reason that arjuna had surrendered himself to Bagawan Krishna.

When the fear started increasing, the boy thought of trying out what his mother had said. He was totally unaware as to who this Gopal Anna is. All that he knew was if he would call Gopal Anna, He shall come running to help him. Such an innocent and unconditional faith is enough for bringing Krishna in front of us even in this Kaliyug. The only thing needed for Krishna Bhakthi is a pure, full of true love and unconditional faith on Krishna.

To know what the boy does? Did the boy recognize who this Gopal Anna is? Did Gopal Anna that is Krishna who responded to the call of Swami Ramanujar, Sackhubai, Draupadhi, and many other great bhakthaas and even and elephant respond to the call of this small, innocent school going kid? Please wait till our next issue.  Whenever you shall feel lonely alone or afraid do try calling our Gopal Anna just like this schoolboy. The real fruitful result of bringing this true story in front of you all would be achieved only when you all shall think of Gopal Anna, at times of loneliness, or fear, or difficulty. Keep calling Gopal Anna for help and write to us the sweet, little, divine, unforgettable deeply-rooted, memories, which Gopal Anna shall give you till we shall meet next time. Radhe Krishna!!!!!!! 


jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




' power of divine grace '


Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar

Jay Shri Radhekrishna Sathsangam

My humble salutations to Poojya Shree Shree Amma and Guruji Shri Gopalavallidasar. I feel blessed to get an opportunity to express my feelings towards the Sathgurus.They have helped me in each and every crucial situation I have faced. The special and amazing thing is that even though they are not physically present at the crisis situation, yet the power they provide through Krishna Naamasankeertanam, to tackle the situation, acts like quenching thirst by drinking cool pot water in a dry, scorching desert. Poojya Shree Shree Amma and Guruji both have always guided me and shown the correct way whenever I ended up committing some mistake. I make it a point to meet Guruji on weekends. The second week of January was very disgusting for me. I couldn’t have a complete control on my mind. I found my mind in the midst of weird and ugly thoughts. The increasing work pressure worsened the situation further. Totally confused, I was blank for sometime, not knowing what to do. I tried my best, yet couldn’t go to the root of the problems. All I knew was something was bothering me but couldn’t figure out why. I was puzzled regarding the sudden change in my thoughts. Then on 15th January 2006, a Sunday I went to meet Guruji and confessed to him the state of my mind.

He asked me to do more chanting to come out of all these. I took Guruji’s leave to go to the place where sathsang was going to be held. On the way, I called Guruji Amma to confess to her, my thoughts. It was roughly a 10-minute talk, but at the end of the talk I was feeling a lot better and secured. Amma in fact gave me practical and to the point solution to clean all the rubbish stuff residing in my mind. The causes of mind wandering, the effects of the same and the importance of keeping the mind steady were the highlights of the 10-minute discussion. According to me, She granted me a new lease of life. Another incident happened when I was appearing for my CA PE II examination in November 2004. It was my sixth and the last paper – Information Technology. For me the subject was a total bore. When I started the studies about 8 months back, I particularly concentrated on this subject, as I knew this was the only paper that would trouble me. The preparation for this paper throughout the 8 months period was fine. Then came the examination time. I made it a point to call both Guruji and Guruji Amma before entering the hall. All the previous five papers were fine and I was sure to clear the examination. On the eve of the sixth examination, slowly tension started mounting. The last minute revisions were not as per the laid down plans. I was in a state of confusion and was not at all confident for the paper. I managed a 3-hour sleep; still 50% revision was pending. In the midst of tension, I went blank. Whatever I was revising, I was unable to retain it. There was a ray of hope sitting in my heart’s corner that my Sathgurus wont let me down. I called Guruji Amma and explained the situation. One striking thing She told was, “ Karthik, you don’t know the power of human mind. If you have studied sincerely the entire year and if you are unable to recollect at the eleventh hour, don’t worry. Chant sincerely in the examination hall and you will recollect everything clearly.” I got the motivation and sat down to study. Anyway the revision was not as per my expectation. Still mustering courage, I entered the hall. I was perspiring with tension but was chanting. Once the paper in hand, I started writing without thinking anything. At the end of the paper, the only thing I thought was Krishna will help me pass the exam. But this should not be misinterpreted. Krishna will help only if proper and sincere studies are done. Just chanting as the examination hall without proper preparation will not help.Indeed He not only helped me pass but also helped me achieving 36th rank All India.

As if this was not enough, with guidance from the Sathgurus, a placement was awaiting in a prestigious MNC firm.



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay





' the feast for your soul '



  Shri Poojya Shree Shree Amma 



Mahan Brahma Shri Gopallavallidasar



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay







' sathsang programmes '



Radhekrishna! Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar's sathsangam is going on at   Sri baktha Anjaneyar Koil,Ags colony, 4h cross rd, Kottivakkam,Chennai-41.

On 9th Sathsangam on 9th, sathsangam on Raama Jananam was done by Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar, on 10th sathsangam was about Seetha Kalyanam. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar will continue the sathsangam at same place till 11th. On 11th sathsangam on Anjaneya Vaibhavam will be discoursed by Him.


Forthcoming Sathsangams:

Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar will continue the sathsangam on Thirukoloor PennPillai Rahasyam at Dhanushkodi Kodhanda Ramar Koil from 12th.

Every sundays sathsangam on Thirukoloor PennPillai Rahasyam is held at Mr.Narasimhan's residence.







jay sathguru maharaj ki jay






' wholehearted dedications '

This issue we are dedicating to Raghunathadasar


The gifted son of sri govaradan majumdar.

 The great disciple of Krishna Chaithanya Mahaprabhu.

The one who lived as a prince for everyone but by heart he was a sanyasi.

  The wealthy person  who escaped from the wordly life to come under the shade of Guru.

The true disciple whose eagerness to attain the holy feet of his guru made him to reach Puri Jagannath quickly.

The one who came down to the level of eating the left over food of cow.

The great bhaktha who was gifted with a small govardana stone and beeds by his guru Sri Krishna Chaithanya Mahaprabhu.

The great devotee who slept for one and a half hours daily to do more and more chanting.


jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



jay shree radhekrishna sathsang

jay shree poojya shree shree amma

jay mahan brahma shri gopalavallidasar

