Sathguru Geetha
' Extracts from
pravachans of our guruji '
jay sathguru maharaj ki
Guru Mahima
' hymns in praise of guru
Yena Sandharshitha:
Thasmai Shree Gurave
Guru Geetha || 1 -
70 ||
Birth is like a
forest we seem to wander like an insane person. We bow down to that GURU
who has shown the way for our lost mind.
We talk ill about the people who are
spendthrift by saying he doesn’t know how to use money wisely. Same way
great Mahatmas feel bad if we waste our life drowning in this Samsar Sagar
(worldly things).
If we know the value of a thing we want to
enjoy it to the maximum. E.g. if we like a food item we eat it till the
last morsel is left in the plate. If we find a mango to be sweet and tasty
everything except the seed is consumed by us. It means if we know the
utility of a thing we use it correctly and not waste it. It is the case
with life also. We don’t understand the value of it so we misuse it. Once
under the shade of Guru’s grace we recognize how precious our life is and
use it the way it should be.
So much can be achieved from this life.
The immortal (Bagawan Krishna) can be attained from this mortal (life).
This realization only a guru can give. An emotional and a strong bond is
created between a disciple and a Guru. This is bond to happen. A disciple
owes so much to a Guru who takes care of each detail in our life, the
one who has turned a life, which was stinking like garbage to a life,
which emits flower like fragrance.
Haridas was one of renowned disciple of
Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Haridas had a practice of chanting 3,00,000
Mahamantras (Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare, Hare Krishna Hare
Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare) daily. A prostitute in the town
decided to break the celibacy of Haridas . She came in the night to meet
Haridas. Haridas made her wait by saying he should finish the count of 3
lakh Mahamantra. The prostitute was left with no other option but to wait.
Unknowingly the prostitute also started chanting Mahamantra with Haridas.
By the time Haridas could finish the count
it would dawn. Same happened for a couple of days. The third day the
prostitute decided to leave her past behind and start a new life dedicated
to Bagawan Krishna. This is the power of Guru. One graceful vision is
enough to wash away all our sins and change the course of our life.
Before meeting a Sathguru our mind wanders
like insane in the forest. We don’t even realize that we have lost our
direction. A guru can only give rest to our wandering mind and channelise
it in a proper way.
Same way the prostitute was lost in the
material things and a Sathguru had to come to uplift her. What can we do
in return for what Guru has given us –nothing but bow to Him?
jay sathguru maharaj ki
' short stories to regain
your faith '
“Sa vai
manaH krishnapadaaravindayor vachaamsi vaikuntagunaanuvarnnane
Karau harer mandira maarjanaadishu sruthim chakaara achyutha sathkathodaye”
The great bhaktha Ambarisha, says Srimad Bhagavatham, surrendered his mind
to the holy Feet of the Lord, his words for the description of Vaikunta,
his hands for cleaning Bhagawan Sri Hari’s temple, and his ears to hear
the stories of Achyutha. What a great bhaktha! Bhagavatham indicates us
how to dedicate our life to Bhagavan Krishna through such stories of great
Bhakthas. Then only our life will become fruitful and meaningful.
Ambarisha lived like that and Lord Krishna accpeted him as His favourite
Place your mind at the lotus feet of Krishna and experience the true and
unlimited happiness. That is the purpose of human life. Unfortunately we
deviate from our path and go behind the worldly matters and suffer. But
the Sathguru comes at the right moment and guides the jeevas to the right
direction. Such is the greatness of Sathgurus. The body, mind, and sense
organs may be running behind petty things but the Aatma is pining for
Bhagavan deep inside. Its cries are not heard by the body, mind or senses
as ego is ruling over. But the Sathguru, however far may be, hears the cry
of the Aatma and reaches out to save it and fulfills its needs by giving
Bhagavath bhakthi and His nama. Radhekrishna!!
Haseena a muslim girl in an Arab country was fortunate to meet a Sathguru
who gave her plenty of satsangam. One of our Mahatmas has rightly stated
the importance of satsangam i.e., “Sathsangathve Nissangathvam,
Nisangathve Nirmohatvam, Nirmohatve Nishchalataavam, Nischalatatve Jeevan
mukthi”. In short we can very clearly and undoubtedly state that satsangam
is the easiest path of attaining mukthi (salvation). Prachinaa parikshid
was able to attain the dhyanam of Bagawan only after being engaged in a
satsangam with Naradha Maharishi, Narada Maharishi’s satsangam only
promoted and made Vyasar realize the importance of Bhagavatham and involve
him in the holy work of gifting us with this great epic, Parikshid
maharaja attained moksha only due to the satsangam of Sukha Brahma
Maharishi, Sownakadi Munivargal were fortunate enough to hear Bhagavatham
only as they got a sangam(companionship) with Soothebhauranigal,
Dunduhari attained moksha on hearing the satsangam of Gokarnana which in
turn inspired others to hear satsangam with a great dedication and attain
moksha. Satsangam is really very precious than anything else in this
world. Satsangam is the only thing which provides happiness to our Aathma,
and which can be enjoyed and experienced without putting in any strain,
efforts or without spending money. Hence we should make it a point to
experience as much satsangam as possible.
Once it so happened that there aroused a debate between Vashishtar and
Vishvamitra Maharishi. Vishvamitra Maharishi being a Tapasvi was of the
opinion that Tapaobalam (power gained from tapas) is supreme and utmost
than anything else in this world. But Vashista Maharishi refused to accept
it saying that there is one thing in this world which is even more
significant than Tapobalam. On hearing this Vishmamitrar got angry and
started arguing with Vashistar by stating the importance of Tapas.
Vashistar laughed hearing the comments of Vishvamitrar and said the only
thing which is significant and supreme than anything else in this world is
Sathsangam.Vishvamitrar got extremely angry. He said how can sathsangam
where people just sit in a relaxed manner and listen to the stories of
Bagawan and His bhaktha be compared with a Tapasvi who involves himself in
such immense effort of controlling his mind by disturbing his body? He
said how can people who listen to sathsangam gain more benefit than a
Tapasvi? Both firmly sticked to their own opinion and at last
Vishvamitrar said we shall come to a conclusion only after consulting some
one who is not only a Tapasvi but at the same time enjoys and experiences
sathsangam also i.e., one who knows the importance of both. Hence at last
after enormous thinking Vishvamitrar decided to take the opinion of
Aadesheshan (1000 headed snake who provides and proves to be the best and
the most comfortable bed for our Bagawan).
Vishvamitrar narrated the entire incident to Aadesheshan and asked him to
help them to arrive at a conclusion. Hearing this Aadesheshan who holds
the Bhoomi (earth) on his head laughed and said he shall reply to this
question in a relaxed manner if anyone among them holds this bhoomi for
sometime. Vishvamitrar very instantly said that it was not at all a
difficult job for him as he has gained a lot of tapobalam from his so many
years’ tapas. Hence he said I shall hold this bhoomi by conferring just
10000years tapobalam from the total strength and power I have gained from
my tapas and readily accepted the bhoomi form Aadesheshan. But
unfortunately this lasted for sometime only. Vishvamitrar could not stand
with it anymore and hence gently returned the bhoomi to Aadesheshan. Now
it was the turn of Vashistar. He said by conferring just half a minute of
strength which I have gained by listening sathsangam during my life time I
shall like to hold this bhoomi. Aadesheshan gave it to Vashistar and
Vashistar went on holding it without experiencing any hardships. This went
on for sometime and now Vishvamitrar asked Aadesheshan to reply to their
question. Aadesheshen laughed and said the answer to their question is
self explanatory. He said when Vashistar is still holding the bhoomi
without any difficulty on the strength of his sathsangam which u couldn’t
hold inspite of your tapobalam this in it reveals that sathsangam is
superior to tapobalam. Such is the greatness of sathsangam.
Haseena was fortunate to get the sathsangam of that Mahan. She lent her
ears to him. She heard the Achyutha stories presented lively by the Mahan.
Hearing Bhagawan’s leelas turns the mind towards His direction. This
happened with Haseena also. Slowly she was losing her heart to the
‘Hridaya choran’(stealer of ones heart). The Mahan told her about the
place of His leelas – The great Brindavanam.
Brinda devi was a great devotee of Bhagawan. She had a husband called
Jalandharan who was an Asura. Bhagawan was bearing silently all the
atrocities done by the asura for the sake of His devotee Brinda. When a
stage came where He could tolerate no more He killed the asura. Bhagawan
was very reluctant to face Brinda devi. But she consoled Him saying that
He has done only well for the asura by stopping him from further sins.
Pleased with her answer Bhagawan gave her a boon. Due to the boon she was
born as the forest Brindavanam waiting for the Lord to come and tread upon
her. Bhagawan did all sorts of leelas at Brindavanam only.
It is such a place that great Bhakthas like Andal, Meera, Chaithanya
Mahaprabhu etc have longed to go and live. The mere mention of the word
Brindavanam itself was able to take them to a samadhi level. Meera and
Chaithanya Mahaprabhu used to faint hearing Brindavanam. It is the sacred
place where Krishna did vana bhojanam with the Gopars, where He lured
Brahma by His maya, where Indra’s ego was suppressed, where He conducted
Rasa leela with His gopis, where Chaithanya Mahaprabhu broke down and wept
aloud for Krishna, where the blind devotee Surdas lived and had the darsan
of the Lord and where innumerable bhakthas came and walked over as Krishna
has marked her with His Foot marks as His own.
The Mahan was explaining Haseena the innumerable leelas of Bhagavan done
at Brindavanam. Hearing these stories triggered a longing in her to visit
Brindavanam and see Krishna. Hasseena had a friend named Hameeda.
According to different versions of the story they belonged to a Muslim
country either in Egypt or Arabia. Anyway Haseena was enchanted by the
description of Krishna. The name itself seemed to haunt her. She started
telling Hameeda whatever she heard from the Mahan. Hameeda was also
intrigued by her narration of Krishna. Both of them talked for hours
together about Krishna. This is what is needed in our life. As Ambarisha
did we should also talk only about Krishna and His bhakthas. Often people
waste their precious time talking about unwanted things and gossips which
fetches nothing in return. Talking about Krishna and His bhakthas becomes
satsangam. The Aatma gains a lot from that. It purifies one’s thoughts and
actions. Our prarabdha (Deeds of previous birth) gets itself burned.
Talking otherwise brings only misery upon us as it leads to desire, fear,
jealousy, anger, selfishness and many more bad qualities. We should be
very careful in using our tongue. God has created it for singing His glory
only. If we misuse it there is no guarantee that we will get this faculty
in our next birth. If we waste our present life it can be never corrected
or compensated. We can only keep ourselves still far away from Bhagavan
who is our ultimate destination.
These two girls wanted to find out whether whatever the Mahan said was
all real. They fell into the category of Jingyaasu. There are mainly 4
types of bhakthas says Lord Krishna in Geetha. One is the Aartha who is
the afflicted. He needs to be released from the clutches of miseries. For
that purpose he comes to the Lord. Second comes Arthaarthi. He has some
or other needs for worldly possessions to be fulfilled and for that
approaches God. The third one is a Jingyaasu who wants to understand and
know the reality. There should be an eagerness to know the truth in
everybody’s mind. That will lead to the ultimate reality. Jingyaasu is a
one who thirsts to know the reality. If that thirst is there then God is
easily available. Then the last category is Gyaani who has understood and
realised God. He is a fine bhaktha. Radhekrishna!!
Their thirst to know about Krishna was growing inside. They made a vow
between themselves to some how go to India and see for themselves. The
Mahan had told her that whatever we ask for, Krishna fulfills that. We
only have to do chanting His name. They wanted to test for themselves and
find out. So they made a wish of visiting Brindavanam and started chanting
His name –Krishna! We should develop this attitude in bhakthi. If we are
not able to believe the words of saints or sathguru, as for us bhakthi and
Bhagawan are mere dream then we should be ready to at least test it for
ourselves. Unless we do that we cannot realize its significance. But once
we test it and realise the truth in it then we can never come out of
bhakthi. Radhekrishna!
Our cry for the Lord should be such that He will be forced to leave every
other thing and come running for us. Draupathi made a cry like that when
she was insulted in the mahasabha raising both her hands. Krishna was
playing with Sathyabhama when He heard her cry. At that instant He left
everything and came rushing to her help. When Gajendran elephant was in
distress he shouted Krishna’s name which made Him rush towards him
immediately. Bhagawan also has the same urgency to rescue His devotees. If
our call is very sincere and true He can’t sit quiet and watch. He will be
forced to come for our rescue; it should be out of full faith. We should
surrender absolutely to the Lord. That compels Him to reach us.
Now these two girls dared to bet with Krishna Himself to take them to
Brindavan and did chanting His nama in return.
Did the girls succeed in their plans to go to Brindavan. If so then how
and what happened with them? If you are really eager to know all about
this then chant and wait till our next issue. Till then Radhe Krishna.
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'divine personality's divine star '
This topic will
include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth
star !

Vaikasi Masam -
Vishaakhaa - Visakam
Vaikasi month;
Visakam nakshathram in Tamil; also spelled as Vishaakhaa in Sanskrit.
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'power of divine grace'
Radhe krishna! Crores and crores of
radhekrishna and pranams to Guruji Amma and Guruji. This is one of the
experiences of their child (sishyai) which reconfirmed the power of
namajapam as guruji amma and guruji’s always tell all of us.
I am working in an IT firm Wipro, and was
thinking of a change of job because it would give a good hike in terms of
salary. But my confidence level was very low, I doubted whether I’ll be
able to get through the interview because it was more than 3 years since I
had attended an interview, and the only interview which I attended before
was at college (campus interview) where I got selected. So I was
postponing this idea for a long time. The other day one of my collegue was
telling about walkin interview in TCS, and asked whether I would like to
attend it. When I called up Guruji and told about this interview he
immediately said go ahead, be cool, enjoy and attend the interview. I was
totally amazed by the way Guruji said this, but I took it into my mind.
This gave me immence confidence and since I had only one day to prepare, I
surrended myself to Guruji Amma, Guruji and did preparations.
Next day was Saturday, after attending
Guruji Amma’s bhajan, I told Amma about this and I went totally happy in
the way Amma blessed me and gave me tips in attending the interview. Next
day was my interview, so before the interview I called up Guruji. He
blessed me and told me to take namajapam along with me and attend the
interview successfully.
Next day with Guruji Amma and Guruji’s
blessings I went to attend the interview. There were lots and lots of
people with many years of experience in my field, who had come to attend
the interview. After registration they said that you will have a technical
round, a management round and a HR round. I started getting tensed.
Immediately I started doing namajapam and surrended to Guruji telling,
Guruji I don’t know what I am going to talk, how I am going to answer. I
have surrended myself to your feet. I am not going to get tensed or
worried, make me talk what I need to. I immediately felt very relaxed and
I did not even know how I finished all the rounds. Finally they said, you
have successfully cleared all the rounds, so the HR will be calling you in
a couple of days to talk about salary negotiations.
I was very happy, more because I had
realized the power of my Guruji Amma Guruji’s blessings and namajapam.
Once this was done, I had to give them a
tentative date of joining. Since I wanted to enjoy the Brindavan trip I
was planning to give resignation in this company Wipro after the trip,
because employees are not allowed to take leave during the notice period.
But generally new companies give a maximum of 2 months for you to join.
But because of GurujiAmma and Guruji’s grace I rememberd what GurujiAmma
and Guruji always say, there is nothing which namajabam cannot do, it can
do everything. So on the day when I had to give the confirmation and give
the date of joining, I went and got the blessing of GuurjiAmma and left to
TCS. I went there and told the HR that I’ll be able to join only after 3
months. They didn’t even ask the reason, and just told me, its ok, finish
your medical test before that and come and join in the date which you have
specified. I went and told Guruji Amma and Guruji about this and they said
its very true that in normal cases companies don’t give you this much time
to join, even giving two months time is very rare, but this is really
bhagavan’s krupai. RadheKrishna!!!
What shall I say and how to stop!! With
GurujiAmma and Guruji’s grace, their blessings always along with us, life
is very enjoyable, in each and every aspect of life they take care of
their child (sishyai) who is nothing without them. I feel I have started
living life only after getting the darshan of Guruji Amma and Guruji and
they taking me as their child. Krishnaa! Only prayer is to be how they
want this child to be. RadheKrishna!!! The mercy of Guruji Amma and Guruji
cannot be explained in words at all.
The way Guruji explains and guides in each
and every step in life is way beyond words and can never be explained.
Beyond all these things the way in which Guruji lets us know what bhakthi
is, how we can enjoy bhagavan, how much we loose when we don’t do it, the
way in which he explains that Krishnan is the true need to this soul, and
how he gives him to us and makes us realize it is really great. Now life
seems very meaningful because Guruji has made me to realize that this is a
great opportunity to enjoy bhagavan and guru and it is not to be wasted.
As Guruji says with namajapam and Gurudhyanam we can surely enjoy bhagavan
and Guru. RadheKrishna!
Guruji's sishyay
jay sathguru maharaj ki
Dhivya Dharshan
'the feast for your soul'

jay sathguru maharaj ki
Punya Kaal
'sathsang programmes''
Radhekrishna. Guruji left to Trivandrum on
April 30th. All the devotees are enjoying Guruji’s sathsangam.
Guruji is continuing sathsangam on Sri Krishna Chaithanya Mahprabhu in
Trivandrum. No wonder the
sathsangam on Sri Krishna Chaithanya Mahaprabhu is so mind blowing. The
devotees are enjoying to the core. Radhekrishna!
To view the various
leelas done by Guruji in Vrindavan
A special surprise!
Guruji Amma’s birthday falls on May 20th. Those who wish to get
blessed on this auspicious day from the great Guruji Amma can call up at
this number :-
044 - 22237769
A special offering from Guruji Amma's
sishyan. Radhekrishna.
Click Here
A special surprise
from the whole KrishnavedhaM team to our dearest Guruji Amma!
Click Here!
Guruji Amma is the
light of our soul. We Sishyaas are nothing in front of Gurujiamma’s grace!
Click Here!
Surprise! Surprise!
Click Here!
Radhekrishna. Guruji is leaving for Chennai
on May 15th.
Guruji Amma and Guruji Appa's wedding day
falls on May 28th. Make a call and get blessed. Radhekrishna.

jay sathguru maharaj ki
'whole hearted dedications'
This issue we are
dedicating to Sri Savta Maali.
A humble and
true devotee of Lord Vittal!
one who was chanting Lord
The one who
lied because Lord Vittal said him to do so.
The one who gave
a place in his heart for lord Vittal to hide.
The one who got
darshan of both Bhakta Dnyaneshwar and Namdev and Bagawan simultaneously!
jay sathguru maharaj ki
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang
Jay Shree
Poojya Shree
Shree Amma
Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
