Aacharyvaan Purusho Vedha: |
KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
MAY 2008 Issue |
Vedham 4 Slokam 11 |
Sathguru Geetha |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
Namasankeertan at a school in Tutukudi |
sathguru maharaj ki jay | ||
Guru Mahima Hymns in Praise of Guru payanan Raakilum paankala
raakilum (Kanninun Siru Thaambhu10) " Though he gains
nothing by reforming others, though they are not fit enough to However cruel we may be, but a Sathguru makes sure that we turn into a right person. A mother may take efforts to transform her child into a better human being, a spouse would take initiative to improve the virtues of his/her spouse, and a friend may try to do the same. All these efforts may seem apparently for the well being of a person, but are guided by some remote selfish intentions. But a Sathguru is the one who will think of the well being of a person without any expectations. This is explained in the above verse by Madhurakab\vi Azhwaar that Sathgurus uplift even the unfit souls and consider it as service to Lord. This can be well understood from the following instance. Tiruvarangathu
Amudanar was responsible for the administration of It happened one day that Tiruvarangathu Amudanar realized his mistake and turned into one of the renowned disciple of Swami Ramanujarand handed over the administration of Srigangam Temple to Swami Ramanujar. It is this Tiruvarangattu Amudanar who subsequently wrote the Ramanuja Noorrantadhi 108 verses in praise of Swami Ramanujar. This is the beauty of Mahatmas they dont write off any person and decide that he is unfit for further improvement they will put all their efforts to put back that person in right path. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay | ||
Aachyutha Priya Short stories to regain your faith Last month we saw that that Swami Ramanujar was trying to convince lady of Thrikoolur from leaving such a sacred place. In reply Thirikoolur Pennpillai recited eighty one sentences in which she justifies that she does not deserve to live in Thirikoolur. She talks in very humble manner. The first sentence she says is Aatithat varugindren endrno Accrurai Pollai (Did I bring Bagawaan like Accrurar) We hear people saying Its a kaliyuga, everything happening seems to be improper, there is no room for truth left, peoples intention are crooked, existence of God is being questioned. And given this scenario its becoming hard to live. However worst be the things around us if our mind and heart is with Sri Krishna we can live our life peacefully. This is what Accurar proved. In spite of Kansa being his boss he lead a very happy and satisfied life. Accurar was very close to Vasudev (Father of Sri Krishan) and was well known in Yadava community. To
earn his living Accrurar was working under Kansa but at heart he was very
sure that Bagawan will one day come for His rescue. Accurar was fulfilling
his responsibility at work and at same time was continuously doing
namaajab (Chanting of Lords Name). Kansa had delegated Pudana, Ahasuran,
Bahasuran work which resulted in sin. But Accrurars Namajabam prevented
Kansa from delegating sinful work to him. Always Accrurar had only one
thing in mind that he Sri Krishna Dasan (Servant of Bagwaan). Accrurar
felt that it was due to some reason that Sri Krishna had kept him with
Kansa and one day that reason would be revealed to him. Accrurar was in It was not one or two years but 12 years that Accrurar waited in a hope that one day he would be able to see Sri Krishna. If our patience is tested for such a long period we are bound to fail and will lose all hopes. But the unconditional faith of Accrurar wins here. It was at this time when Kansa decided to do Dhanur Yagnya. Kansa wanted to invite Sri Krishna for this Yagnya and planned eventually to kill him. Kansa was in confusion as who should be sent to invite Sri Krishna for this Yagnya. He was search of such a person whom nobody would doubt and whose invitation would be accepted by Sri Krishna. Kansa
choose Accrurar for going to Gokulam and bringing Sri Krishna to Thirikoolur Pennpillai stating the above incidence told, Have I done anything of this sort of inviting Bagawaan so I dont deserve to live in Thirikoolur. Wait till next month to see what next justification she gives for leaving Thirikoolur. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay | ||
Hrudhayaanjali The power of divine grace Radhekrishna! This
incident occurred when I was pursuing the Chartered Accountancy course a
year ago. In our course we have to complete three years of internship. I
was in my third year of my internship. In the third year we have an option
to join a registered organization for industrial training instead of doing
articleship in a CA firm. I had come to know about a vacancy in Deutsche
Bank through our CA institute. I decided to submit my CV there because I
was interested in making a career in the banking industry. However I knew
that it was a very reputed bank and to get through the interview would be
very difficult. I got an interview call from them after a few days. They
asked me to come for the interview the very next day. As I was about to
say 'OK' to that, I remembered that I had to attend a seminar that day on
behalf of the firm in which I was doing my articleship. So I asked them to
postpone the interview. Fortunately they agreed and scheduled it after 3
days. This became Krishna's blessing in disguise to me. On first thought I
thought that I should have skipped the seminar and attended the interview.
I was feeling that they might select someone who gave an interview in
these 3 days. But I kept chanting Krishna Krishna Krishna and that helped
me maintain my cool. On second thought I decided to prepare a bit for the
interview. I sought the help of teachers who had taught me at my CA
classes. But I felt that it would have been so nice if Guruji would have
been here. I could have met Him and talked to Him and that would have been
a good morale boost for me before the interview. But thats because I
was unaware of the future! I gave my interview, it was a decent one;
neither too bad nor too good. The preparation in those 3 days helped. I
had proper answers to the questions that they asked. At the end of the
interview they told me that they had vacancy for 2 persons and that they
had been interviewing many candidates and they would be interviewing many
more in the next few days. They said that they would revert back to me if
they short listed me. These words were a bit disturbing. I had rejected an
offer for industrial training in another organization because it was in an
industry which didnt interest me. And now I started feeling that I
would not get into this organization also. Then on the next day I
called up Guruji. I had a talk with Him. I did not mention about the
interview and all. That day in the evening I was in office when my
cellphone rang. It was a familiar number. I took the call. A voice said
'congratulations, you have been selected and we have an offer for you to
join as an industrial trainee in our organization; when can you join?' I
was completely knocked off my senses. Barely 24 hrs earlier I was told
very diplomatically that my chances of selection were remote and then this
call! I couldnt believe my ears! I called up Guruji to tell Him about the incident. All that I had done was that I had had a chat with Him on that day and had not even mentioned about the interview. But look at the mercy! Our Guruji knows our mind better than we do! He knows our desires and nothing is hidden from Him. He knows the worries that are clogged in our minds and He always gives the solutions to all such worries. It was entirely His mercy that I was successful in the interview. I told Guruji that I wanted to meet Him very eagerly. I thought that when the thoughts of Guruji come in the mind and having a brief talk with Guruji has such a result, then what would happen if one gets a chance to meet Guruji! Then Guruji came to
Mumbai and I met Guruji and took His blessings. I had given my CA final
exams in May and the results were due in July. And again due to Guruji's
abundant mercy, I cleared the exam in my first attempt with decent marks.
The results had been very harsh to quite a few students who were expected
to be in the top 100 all over India; as even such students had had to
taste failure! Under such conditions, it was Guru Kripai which helped me
sail through troubled waters comfortably. This was the second unexpected
surprise within a short span of time! Guruji's only advice had been that |
YOU WILL DEFINITELY SUCCEED' The most important reason behind all this was naamsankeertanam (chanting of Lord Krishna's name) and the abundant grace of Guruji and Gurujiamma.I feel heavily indebted to Guruji for making my life so peaceful and calm. My pranams to our Guruji and Gurujiamma. Radhekrishna Sarvam
Guruvarpanam. Guruji's Shishya Ninad |
sathguru maharaj ki jay | ||
Dhivya Darshan |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay | ||
Punya Kaal |
Sathsang programmes |
This is a
description of trip arranged in the words on disciples themselves who
visited those place. By
Gods grace and Gurujis Kripai trip was arranged to Sree Krishna
Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, Janmabhoomi and also to Jagganath Puri. The
Yatra started on 23rd April 2008, At morning we went to Iscon Chandrodaya
Mandir. We saw Panchatantra ie Chaitanya with Nidhai, Advaita Charya,
Gadadara and Shrivasa Pandithar. Then at evening we moved to Chaitanyas
Birth Place.We also saw the Neem tree under which Maha prabhu had born.
Still we can experience the sanctity there. Then from there we moved to
Srivas Panditars House, Murariguptas House, Devananda Gaudiya Matt. Then
at night satsangam was there by our Guruji about the importance of the
places we saw. On
24th morning we had Ganga snanam, then went to Aam Ghaat where Chaintanya
Maha prabhu had planted a mango tree by himself., Harihareshwar Temple
where there is a moorthy of which half part is of Lord Shiva and half of
Lord Vishnu. There is an Alkananda river. And after that we went
again for Ganga snanam. And then finaly at night there was satsangam about
the places we did visited on the day. On
25th we went by boat to Nawadweep, there we went to Jaganathdas Temple,
Vishnupriya Temple. In Vishnupriyas temple we saw the Chaitanyas Moorti
which vishnupriya devi was worshiping.The Moorti is made out of the brach
of the Neem tree under which Maha Prbhu had born. It was so realistic.
Since we all were with Guruji we could also feel the scantity with in that
Moorti(Idol). Then at evening we went to Radharani Temple, Golden
Chaitanya (here the Chaitanya idol was made of gold) then to Gaudiya Matt.
Again at night there was a small Satsangam regarding the places we
visited. On 26th Morning we went for Ganga snanam, then we went to Kazi's samadi who was Maha prabhus's disciple.there is a Banyan tree planted by Mahaprabhu himself and then
went to Shashi matas birth place. Shashi mata was the mother of Shri
Chaitanya Maha prabhu..There we saw a priest who belongs to Chaitanyas
family. At evening we went again to Vishnupriya temple. When we were
moving from there many people experienced the power of Guruji. They felt
as if Guruji was taking along their Chaitanya with him. On 27th morning we moved from Mayapur to Kenduli, there we visited one temple that is the place where Mahaprabhu took Sanyasa and changed his name from Nimayee to Krishna Chaitanya, in the temple there is a tree where Mahaprabhu did tonsuring for taking Sanyasa.also there is a samadi of Barber who did tonsuring for Chaitanya and also the Samadi of mahaprabhus Hair. Evening we went to a
temple where the great Jayadeva and his wife Shri Padmati inherited.The
temple is made of bricks.Each brick is carved by the themes of our Ethics. On 28th we went to
Kamarpukur there we visited a place Joyambati, the house inherited
by great Sharada Mata. We also visited the kitchen she used. There we saw
a person who was Sharada Mata's brother's son. Then we went to Ramkrishna
Parama Hamsa's matt. There is a mango tree planted by the Mahan itself. On 29th We
went to Kolkatta Kali Mandir. From there we continued our
journey for Puri. On 30th morning we
reached Puri .Firstly we visited the beach (mahodadi).Then at evening we
took darshan of Lord Jagganath and enjoyed the temple. On 1st Morning we
visited the great Mahatma Jayadevar's birth place. From there we went to
take darshan of Lord Sakshi Gopal. Lord Sakshi Gopal himself came from
Vrindavan for his devotee from Vidyanagaram for saying the witness. At
evening we went to Haridas dhyan stal.who is a muslim disciple of
Mahaprabhu. He used to chant 3 Lakh Mahamantra daily under the Tree.The
tree is still present there.Then we went to Samadi of Shri
Haridasyavan.All the rites for Shri Haridasyavan was did by Maha prabhu
himself. Then we went to Tota Gopinath.there is moorthy of Lord Krishna,
Radhika Rani and her friend Lalitha. Krishna is in Tribangi Roop and in
PadmaAsan. During night from
10:00 pm to morning 5:00 am we stayed in Jagganaths temple to see
Shayana aarti.(Aarti before sleeping). On 2nd morning we
visited Gaur Gambhira Mandir.This is the place where Chaitanya lived
in Puri.There is a small room where Chaitanya lived. There is
Padukai (slippers) of Mahaprabhu and Kamandal used by the Great. With the blessing of our Gurujiamma and our Guruji Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar we all devotees enjoyed and experienced the sanctity at each place.We all pray together that we want to enjoy, learn, experience every Divine place under the teachings of our Guruji only Our Crores and Crores
of Pranams to our Gurujiamma and our Guruji. Radhekrishna Radhekrishna Radhekrishna!!! |
sathguru maharaj ki jay | ||
Shradhaarpanam |
Our wholehearted dedications |
This Issue we are are to dedicating to Bandhu Mahanti |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
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