




The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas

May 2009 Issue

Vedham 5 Slokam 11


Sathguru Geetha

Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji Amma

Sweet Voice of Guruji Amma

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Guru Mahima

Hymns in Praise of Guru


kaNdu koNdennaik kaarimaa Rappiraan,
paNdai valvinai paaRRi yaruLinaan,
eNdi saiyu maRiya iyampukEn,
oNda mizhchchada kOpa NnaruLaiyE.
                                   Kanninun Siru Thaambhu(7)

" The illustrious and merciful son of Porkaariyaar, Nammalwar has extinguished
by his graceful glance all my sins committed by me from beginning less time. I
will. Therefore, gratefully publicize his mercy to all those who live in all the
eight directions"

The above verse describes how a disciple becomes grateful to Sathguru and always wants to talk about him. Sathguru  removes all the sins of a sishyaa and makes him a pious person. The sins committed by a person is carried with him in all the Janmas. These sins are not easy to get ridden off. The sins accumulated over all Janmas are those committed with or without we knowing it. We are not aware of the stock of sins which we carry with ourselves. The implications or the effects which the sins will have on our lives is also unknown.

Our sins and our earlier Karmas are the reasons for unexpected , unrelated or unfavorable events occurring in our lives. To extinguish our sins is not easy job. Only the person with super powers is capable of removing our sins. That can be no other person than Sathguru. The same can be explained with an episode in Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's life. There were two notorious brothers called Jadaai and Madaai in Nacdweep.

Even thou the duo were Brahmans, they didn't have any quality which reflected the qualities of a Brahman. They used to consume alcohol , harass people etc. The whole village was upset with them. On top of it they committed Bagavatha Abhachar  (i.e. hurting a holy or sagely person).

But at point of time they realized their mistake and asked for forgiveness from Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu happily accepted them and extinguished all their sins. Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who was very fair in complexion turned into coal black on accepting the sins of the Jadaai and Madaai. That is effect one has on accepting the other's sins. But Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu being a Sathguru was able to regain his fair complexion after a bath in the holy Ganga.

When a Sathguru showers such a grace on his Sishyaa, he /she is bound to be grateful to him and will always publicize the mercy of his Sathguru to everyone.

This is what Madurakavi Alzhwaar has explained in the above verse, praising his Sathguru Namalzhwaar.

sathguru maharaj ki jay


Aachyutha Priya

Short stories to regain your faith


Thirikoolur Pennpillai continues her justification for leaving the sacred place Thirikoolur. Now she gives the example of the Bhakt Alzhwaars. She says "Pinnjai Pazhutheno Aandalai polle" ( Did I do Bhakti like Aandal in the young age itself.

Sri Andaal was one the prominent and the only female, Bhakta among the twelve Alzhwars. It is said that , the bhakti she did is equal to the bkahti done by all other 11 Alzhwaars put together.  The did prema bhakti, whereby she conceived  the suprme Lord as her Bharta, i.e. lover, husband. This is the highest form of Bhakti any one can achieve. All forms of Bhakti are covered in the Prema Bhakti.Sri Andal  was incarnation of Bhoomi Pirathi.

Perialzhwaar (one of the eleven Alzhwaars) found a small and pretty girl in his courtyard. Knowing that that it was a divine gift to he, accepted the girl has his daughter and  gave her name as Andaal. Since childhood only, Perialzhwaar used to narrate Sri Aandal the stories of  Bagwaan Krishna. Hearing those adventures stories of Bagwaan Krishna, Sri Aandal's heart was captivated towards the the Navneeth Chora ( the one steals butter symbolized by heart)

Sri Aandal's devotion and love towards, Bagwaan Krishna reach such an height that she, could not even think of marring anyone else than Bagwaan Krishna himself.  Perialzhwaar narrated all stories of all 108 Dhivya Desha Perumals, out of which the Lord which impressed Sri Aandal was Lord Ranganath of Srirang. At an age of five Sri Andal did  Thirupaavai Nombu i.e. a prayer to marry Lord Ranganath. She has written 30 Pasurams ,called Thirupaavai which describes the methods in which a one can persuade Bagwaan Krishna. Each of the 30 Pasurams is a Jewel in itself, the more we indulge ourselves in Thirupaavai, a altogether different dimension of Bhakti is revealed.

 Apart from the 30 pasuram of Thirupaavai, another great composition of Sri Andaal  is 143 pasurams called Naachiyaar Thrimoozhi. These pasurams depict the endless love and the pain which exist in being apart from Bagwaan Krishna. The purity of Naachiyaar Thrimoozhi is so pious that, these pasurams are not explained or discussed in open. Only the person who can understand the real Mathurya (true love )Bhakti deserves to know these Pasurams.

The devotion of Sri Andaal, dissolved Lord Ranganath  and he was compelled to marry Sri Aandal. Recollecting these things in mind  Thirikoolur Pennpillai  quaoted whether she has done bhakti like Sri Aandal in the young age. Hearing the praise of Sri Aandal, Swami Ramanujar was filled with excitement as he has conceived Sri Aandal as his sister and was proud to hear about her. And next statement by an another Alzhwaar.


sathguru maharaj ki jay



The power of divine grace


Pranams to Guruji Amma and Guruji,

It is almost five years since Krishnavedham had its first issue published. It goes without saying that only due to Guruji and Guruji Amma's Krupai it has come so long well. This divine month which host the birthday of Guruji Amma and Guruji. We at Krishnavedham team want take this occasion to thank Guruji and Guruji Amma, for all grace they have showered upon us. Even though the the articles are written by the sishyaa of Guruji, the message conveyed is directly from the extracts of Guruji's Sathsang.

Every month its Guruji who guides from inside as to what divine story to be published and the way it should be. It is a real thrill how articles shape up for each issue. Krishanvedham serves as gateway to express our gratitude towards Guruji and Guruji Amma and spread their teachings & philosophy. It gives an immense pleasure to pen gist of Sathsang we hear. We are surely not competent to reproduce the exact magic which our Guruji creates in Sathsang, however we do attempt to bring out the gist in our articles. With Guruji's grace we promise to continue to deliver Krishanvedham every month.


Guruji's Sishyaas

Krishanvedham Team

sathguru maharaj ki jay


Dhivya Darshan

Feast for your soul

Shri Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar



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Punya Kaal

Sathsang programmes

Krishna Bhajans and Namasanketan are being carried out weekly at various places.

Every Sunday NagarBhajan are also being carried at various places. Guruji's Sathsang will be held at Trivandrum. Every one is invited to attend the same and enjoy the divine bliss.


sathguru maharaj ki jay



Our wholehearted dedications

We dedicate this issue to Kurava Naambi

  • The beloved devotee of Lord Balaji
  • The one whose devotion was a secret affair
  • The one used to offer daily a flower made out of clay
  • The one whose devotion Lord Balaji himself revealed to everyone through King Thondaimaan polle.

sathguru maharaj ki jay


Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang

Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar

