





The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas

November 2008 Issue

Vedham 5 Slokam 5


Sathguru Geetha

Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji

Krishna Bhajan

sathguru maharaj ki jay



Guru Mahima

Hymns in Praise of Guru


"En amuthani kanda kangal Mattru Onninai Kaanave"

Quote by Vaduga Nambi

Meaning : The eyes which has seen my nectar will not see any other thing

Always we have an eagerness to attain the magic goal which will make us forget everything. But in search of the magic goal we ourselves get lost. What keeps us going is the hope to attain the destination someday. The journey takes all the time and effort there is no space left to enjoy the destination. A Sathguru is the one who shows the right destination a right direction. 

Vaduga Nambi was one of the renowned sishyaa of Swami Ramanujar. He epitomized what Guru Bhakti. Whenever one takes the names of Sishyaa of Swami Ramanujar, Vaduga Nambi stands as a prominent amongst them. Vaduga Nambi believed in only one Supreme i.e. Swami Ramanujar. He considered even Lord Ranganath secondary to Swmai Ramanujar. Such was the Guru Bhakti of Vaduga Nambi. It requires sincere devotion and guru's grace to attain this shade of Bhakti whereby Guru is the highest form of worship.

Only the one who has understood Guru to a great extent can even attempt to venture in Guru Bhakti. Guru is a huge ocean. It is difficult to guess the depth of the ocean, same way it is difficult to know Guru in His entirety. What can be done is to take plunge in the ocean called Guru take out the as much as pearls possible. 

A stunning incidence which proves the Guru Bhakti of Vaduga Nambi goes like this. Once Swami Ramanujar with sishyaas along with Vaduga Nambi went to take darshan of Lord Ranganath. Swami Ramanujar was enjoying the beauty of Lord Ranganath, and Vaduga Nambi was enjoying the beauty of Swami Ramanujar.  Being engrossed in the beautiful eyes of Lord Ranganath, Swami Ramanujar urged Vaduga Nambi to look at Lord Ranganath's eyes. Swami Ramanujar was describing the beauty of Lord Ranaganth's eyes which overflows with mercy. Hearing this Vaduga Nambi got frustrated and gave a spontaneous reply of "En amuthani kanda kangal Mattru Onninai Kaanave" (the eyes which has seen my nectar will not see any other thing). Here Vaduga Nambi was referring to Swami Ramanujar as nectar . 

A stunning faith is required to make a statement like this. Lets pray to Vaduga Nambi to bless us with such a unconditional Guru Bhakti.

sathguru maharaj ki jay



Aachyutha Priya

Short stories to regain your fait

Thirikoolur Pennpillai continues her justification for leaving the punya Bhoomi of Thirikoolur. She is determined to explain Swami Ramanujar her unexplained wishes. Now she says "Thaaikolam Saithone Anusuyaai Polle"

Anusuyaa Devi was the wife of great rishi Athri. She was very pious, and always practiced austerities and devotion. This made her attain miraculous powers. Lord Rama visited Athri's ashram (hermitage) during his exile. 

On arrival of Lord Rama Rishi Athri gave a warm welcome. Athri introduced his wife Anasuyaa to Lord Rama and Sita. Anasuya was very attentive to Sit Mata. She took care of Sita Mata like a mother. She asked Sita Mata to narrate the event of divine marriage of hers with Lord Rama. Even though years had passed by Sita Mata narrated the wedding event as matter of recent past. Memories of marriage were fresh in the mind of Sita Mata. Anasuyaa devi carefully listened to Sita Mata. She gave advice on duties of devoted wife.

Anasuyaa devi had given her ornaments to Sita Mata. Anasuyaa decorated Sita Mata with flowers and ornaments. She showed a mother kind of love and affection towards Sita Mata. Even Sita Mata was impressed by the care shown by Anasuyaa. Referring to this incidence Thirikoolur Pennpillai says had she never tried to be mother and give took care of Lordess like Anasuya did, so she doesn't deserve to be at Thirikoolur.

Devotion of Thirikoolur Pennpillai is really commendable. She pays attention to even small incidence like above and takes the gist out of it. Each sentence of Thirikoolur Pennpillai makes Swami Ramanujar excited. He sees the deep devotion Thirikoolur Pennpillai. Attention she has given to each incidence surprises Swami Ramanujar. With each statement Thirikoolur Pennpillai makes about not being like the mentioned Devotee, Swami Ramanujar blesses Thirikoolur Pennpillai to such devotion.

That is the advantage of talking with great Mahatmas the moment we express our sadness they bless us with fortune and make us come out of the unfavorable situation. And there is lots more Thirikoolur Pennpillai wants to express, wait till next month to know another  justification of Thirikoolur Pennpillai.


sathguru maharaj ki jay




The power of divine grace

 Radhekrishna. With the blessings of Guruji Amma and Guruji I would like to share my experience.

This incident happened a fortnight ago. I was traveling from Thane by a local train with my friend Sriram (he  is also a disciple of Guruji). I was standing near the door with my left hand held onto a rod. Suddenly there was a loud noise and the whole compartment became silent. To my horror, I realized that the fingers of my left hand had accidentally got stuck between the blades of the fan. Before I could realize anything the people in the compartment started shouting at me to get down. The impact was so hard that the blades of the fan been broken. I  removed my hand only to see it completely smeared with blood. I did not have the courage to see how deep the wound was. I asked Sriram to tie handkerchief tightly over my hand and just kept chanting "Radhekrishna". I has started feeling a sense of dizziness. Sriram held onto my hand tightly so as to stop the bleeding until we reached home.

After wiping hand, when I saw the wound, I was really amazed to see just a few cuts and scratches on three fingers and nothing more. Even the doctor was surprised as to how less the wound was compared to the impact it would have made. It was Guruji Amma's  kripai that saved me that day. Imagine getting away with only a few scratches when even the blades of the fan weren't spared. When I called Guruji Amma the same evening the first thing she asked me was  "Eppadi da Irukke?" (How are you?) which was rather unsusual. I realized it was Guruji Amma's krupai that had saved me.

This experience has given me a sense of confidence as I know that Guruji and Guruji Amma are always with us and we dont need to be afraid of anything.

Guruji's Shiyaa


sathguru maharaj ki jay



Dhivya Darshan

Feast for your soul

Shri Poojya Shree Shree Amma
Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar

sathguru maharaj ki jay



Punya Kaal

Sathsang programmes


@ Radhekrishna Sathsangam


sathguru maharaj ki jay




Our wholehearted dedications

We dedicate this issue to Mudhaliandan

     The great disciple of Swami Ramanujar

    Swami Ramanujar at the time of Sanyasa scarified everything except Mudhaliandan

    The learned scholar, who didn't object to do the house hold chores on the instruction of Swami Ramanujar

    The one's power of divine foot changed the thinking of the whole village



sathguru maharaj ki jay



Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang

Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma

Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar



