Last month we saw how Thirikoolur Pennpillai was astonished by Bagwaan Krishna Himself. Here now she gives an example of Kabandan and says "adalayam sonneno kabandan polle" ("did I point the direction like Kabandan")
Here she quotes an incidence form Ramayana. Lakshman and Shri Ram were searching for Sita Mata. They were wandering in the forest, when they heard a terrible roar. As they proceed towards the sound they found themselves caught in the arms of a demon. He was Kabandan. His head was inside his torso and stretched out arms. The demon was about to gulp Lakshman and Shri Ram, by then Lakshman and Shri Ram cut-off his arms and the demon was dying.
Breathing his last breath, kabandan said "I was cursed by Durvasa and was assured that I would be relived from the curse by Shri Ram. Now that I have met you Shri Ram can you perform my last rites. In your search for your wife, you proceed towards Rishyamukh mountain and make friends with vanara (monkey) chief Sugreeva. He will help you in your search for Sita"
Indeed it was vanara who had helped Shri Ram in the search of Sita. Thirikoolur Pennpillai was referring to this incidence and was said, "Even while dying Kaband was of great help to Shri Ram. I have not done anything of help to Bagwaan at anytime. So this justifies me levaing Thirikoolur"
Hearing this sentence Swami Ramanujar was amused as how Thirikoolur Pennpillai picks even the small incidence in such a big epic and blessed Thirikoolur Pennpillai"