KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
October 2008 Issue |
Vedham 5 Slokam 4 |
Sathguru Geetha |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
Krishna Bhajan |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
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Guru Mahima |
Hymns in Praise of Guru |
Raakilum paankala raakilum KaNNinuNN SirutthAmpu(10) "
Though he gains nothing by reforming others, though they are not fit
enough to be reformed, the Alwar who lives in a grove filled with the
sweet music of the cuckoos in Tirukkurugoor, endeavors to correct them in
the service of the Lord. Oh! Alwar! I am also trying my very best to be
worthy of your holy feet" |
To succeed in any filed one needs dedication a passion to achieve the end result keeps a person going. The magnitude of the efforts is directly proportional to the enthusiasm to achieve the goal. Let it be securing a job, buying a house or anything we give our 100% But when it comes to spirituality we loose all the interest and get satisfied with our occasional visit to temple or contingency prayer. This is so because we really are not aware of the Supreme Power of Bagwaan Krishna and depth of His love and mercy. Once the value for a thing is established we will never want to loose it. Sathguru exactly does the same thing. He instills in us the love and value for Bagwaan Krishna. Mind is a barren land which is converted in to green rich pasture by Sathguru cultivating it. In the process of molding a sishyaay a Sathguru puts the disciple through various test and a Sathsisyaay raises above all situation. Even the above verse tells the same thing a Sathguru not worrying about the returns reforms the sisyaay even if he doesn't deserve so. Madhurakavi Azhwaar bows down to his Guru and says he wants to be always faithful and worthy. Such was Swami Ramanujar. He was instructed by his Guru Periya Nambi to get the sacred meaning of ThiruMantram from Thirukostiyur Nambi. With all eagerness to know, Swami Ramnujar went to Thirukostiyur Nambi for obtaing the meaning of the sacred Mantra. Swami Ramnujar introduced himself as sishyaay of Periya Nambi and said that he had come to obtain the sacred meaning of the mantra. Thirukostiyur Nambi did not respond and ignore Swami Ramanujar, and told him to come some other time. Hearing this reply Swami Ramanujar felt little sad but did not loose hope. Swami Ramanujar assumed that something was wrong with himself, or still he was not a deserving one to know the hidden meaning. After few days again Swami Ramanujar went to Thirukostiyur Nambi but this time also, Thirukostiyur Nambi did not part with the meaning. The event of swami Ramanujar going to Thirukostiyur Nambi and being rejected happened not once or twice but 17 times. Only in the 18th attempt Swami Ramanujar was able to get the meaing of ThiruMantram. Thirukostiyur Nambi had warned Swami Ramanujar of not disclosing it to anyone else he would go to hell. The mercy of Swami Ramanujar was so much that he could not contain the meaning of Thiru Mantra with Himself. He wanted to share it with everyone and wished that every one should reap the benefit out of it. So Swami Ramanujar climbed a Gopura of a Temple and publicly shared the meaning of ThriuMantra. He didn't care of himself going to hell but was satisfied with the fact that those all who have heard the meaning will go to Vaikuntha. (Obtain Salvation). Such is the grace of Sathguru which melts even the stone. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Aachyutha Priya |
Short stories to regain your fait |
Thirikoolur Pennpillai keeps on going . She doesn't seem to stop giving reasons for not leaving Thirikoolur. Even Swami Ramanujar listens patiently to her. Each sentence she says has a deep rooted meaning. She considers herselh very low and is of a contention that she doesn't deserve to live in the sacred place of Thirikoolur. The next sentence she says is "Pinnam Virunditeno Ganthakaranan Polle" Ganthakaranan was a ghost. He was a sincere devotee of Lord Shiva. He used to mediate on Lord Shiva. He hated Lord Vishu to such an extent that he wore big bell in his ears an used to sake it and create a noise whenever he heard sound "Krishna, Govinda". By doing so he ensured that those sounds don't enter his ears.
Being in a ghost's body was very troublesome for Ganthakaranan. So he decided to get liberalized from the ghost body. Ganthakaranan went to Lord Shiva asking for Salvation from the ghost body. In reply Lord Shiva said he doesnt have the authority to grant salvation. Its Lord Vishu who can liberate him from this ghost body. Lord Shiva advised Ganthakaranan that Lord Vishnu who had taken the incarnation of Bagwaan Krishna would come to Kailash Mountain sometime. At that time Ganthakaranan could ask for salvation from Lord Vishnu. Taking the advice of Lord Shiva Ganthakaranan started chanting Bagwaan Krishna's name. He even removed the bell which he had hung in his ears. One day Bagwaan Krishna had come to Kailash mountain. Seeing the captivating form of Bagwaan Krishna Ganthakaranan was excited. With all the beauties worn Bagwaan Krishna was walking like the king of the world. Seeing Bagwaan Krishna Ganthakaranan was sure that he would now get salvation. But in return Ganthakaranan wanted to give something to Bagwaan Krishna. Nearby he saw a Rishi mediating, with no second thought Ganthakaranan kileld the Rishi and offered it to Bagwaan Krishna. The shastras say that the food we eat should be offered to the Lord. It is the mercy of Bagwaan who accepts anything we eat as offerings. Accordingly Bagwaan Krishna accepted the dead Rishi with full satisfaction and granted Ganthakaranan salvation. It was not the material offered by Ganthakaranan mattered but the love and devotion with which he offered impressed Bagwaan Krishna. Meanwhile Ganthakaranan's brother - another ghost came that way. The fact that he was brother of Ganthakaranan, Bagwaan liberated him also. Quoting this incidence Thirikoolur Pennpillai says have she any day offered even a small thing to the Vaithamanidhi Perumal like Ganthakaranan so she doesn't deserve to stay in Thirikoolur. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Hrudhayaanjali |
The power of divine grace |
Will updated soon |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Dhivya Darshan |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Punya Kaal |
Sathsang programmes |
Weekly bhajans are held in Chennai,
Podanur, Mumbai, USA and East Africa with Guruji Amma's abundant
blessings. Weekly bhajans and Nagara sankeerthanam are also being held regularly.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Shradhaarpanam |
Our wholehearted dedications |
We dedicate this independence day issue to Madhurakavi Azhwaar on occasion of His Birthstar. The the only sishyaay of the great Namazhwaar The one who considered Bagwaan only next to His Guru The one wrote KaNNinuNN SirutthAmpu:- 11 verses in praise of His Guru The one set an example for Guru Bhakti |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar