Hymns in Praise of Guru

8th verse , 12th
Chapter, Srimad Bhagawat Geetha
" Concentrate the mind upon me, apply spiritual intelligence for me,
verily you will reside with me after this existence without doubt"
there have been
many incidences in which Guru has elevated the disciple only becuase of
the fact that the disciple had an unconditional belief and faith. One
such example is Guru Namdeva and Disciple Janabai. Janabai was a small
child playing in the temple of Lord Vittal. Her mind was so pure that
and full of Devotion that she didn't care about anyone and played her
way along in the temple. Seeing the enthusiasm of Small Janabai, Sant
Eknath heart filled with contentment. Eknath asked Janabai if she would
come along with him to his house and stay there. Janabai accepted
Eknath's invitaion only on the condition that, Eknath would daily take
her to Lord Vittal's Temple.
Janabai started
living in Eknath's house. Eknath spiritually groomed her. They shared
with each other the experiences about Lord Vittal. With the grace of
Sant Eknath even Janabai was blessed to get Lord Vittal's darshan, play
with him and even Lord Vittal used to help Janabia in her daily chores.
She sang abhangs in the praise of Lord Vittal. She
indeed led a life of a great Mahatam.
Going through the
life story of Janabai we would what extra-ordinary thing she did
for impressing .Lord Vittal . The only answer is Guru's grace and true
devotion. She had engrossed herself in the service of Guru and her mind
attached on Lord Vittal. These two wonderful combination would yield
anything and everything in this world. To make the of combination of
Guru and Bagwaan click, we need to leave all other supports (viz, money,
near & dear ones, qualification). That does not imply to take sansany it
only means to remove the attachment towards them.
We do
acknowledge the power of Guru and Bagwaan but only as a resource at
times of emergency. We have to make surrendering to Guru and Bagwaan a
habit irrespective of the magnitude of situation. Bagwaan acting as a
Guru has said "Concentrate
the mind upon me, apply spiritual intelligence for me, verily you will
reside with me after this existence without doubt"
So what are we
waiting for lets surrender ourselves
and enjoy Guru and Bagwaan 24X7.