Sathguru Geetha
' Extracts from
pravachans of our guruji '
jay sathguru maharaj ki
Guru Mahima
' hymns in praise of guru
[katOpanishadh 1.3.1]
Arise! Awake! And
attain a sathguru [spiritual master] and get anubhoodhi [sort of a
spiritual experience]. The divine way is tough as walking on the sharp
edge of a knife. The great bakthaas who attained this stage say so.
Often we feel that
our heart is void. To fulfill the void we attempt many things. We search
for all types of sources to pacify ourselves. Even after putting such
effort we find ourselves back in square one. The act of searching for
happiness was not wrong but the source from which happiness was expected
was wrong. As the above verse clearly says arise awake and attain a
sathguru. This would we solution for our problems.. We still are in the
illusion of finding material happiness. Once we attaint a sathguru He
helps us to come out of this illusion.
was a aged and learned person having well versed knowledge in Vedhas and
Puranas. He had a firmly decided that without the grace of Sathguru one
can’t arise and Vedhas & Puranas alone could not do anything good. He was
visiting Punya Sheytras and Thirthas (Holy Places and rivers) in search of
sathguru. While being at Ayodhya one night he saw a light coming from the
sourthen direction. He followed that glow and walked towards the south. He
walked for three days and still the Light continued to glow. He was very
curious to know about the origin of the glow. Madhurakaviazhwar reached a
place called Thirukurugoor where he the divine glow was coming from hollow
in tamarind tree. He was amazed to see a small boy of about 16 years was
mediating inside the hollow.
The one mediating
inside the hollow was Swami Nammazhwar. The one who mediating continuously
for from birth itself without sleep, without intake of food or parting in
any other activity. To test whether Swami Nammazhwar would hear
Madhurakaviazhwar threw a stone and asked “Seththadhin vayitril siriyadhu
pirandhaal eththai thinrdu enge kidackum?”
had asked 'when a tiniest living thing(soul) enter into a non living
thing(body) what would be the effect on the living thing (soul)and where
it would be?' Though this question sounds confusing it carries a hidden
message in it.
Swami Nammazhwar
smiled very beautifully and replied, “aththai thindru ange kidackum!”
Which means the
tiniest living thing(soul) would stay in the non living thing(body) and
experience the effects of the non living thing(body).
The search of
Madhurakaviazhwar for a Sathguru was so intense that it made Swami
Nammazhwar break His penance of 16 years. Hearing the answer
Madhurakaviazhwar realized it was Swami Nammazhwar who was his sathguru.
That moment of realization made Madhurakaviazhwar go mad with happiness.
It was irrespective of the fact that Swami Nammazhwar was younger than
Madhurakaviazhwar or Swami Nammazhwar was from a lower cast while
Madhurakaviazhwar was a Brahmin. A relation of a Sathguru and Disciple is
beyond all materialistic boundaries.
From that day
onwards Madhurakaviazhwar’s life was dedicated to serve His Guru Swami
Nammazhwar. Madhurakaviazhwar has written 11 Pasurams praising the glory
of His Guru Swami Nammazhwar.
When a learned
scholar like Madhurakaviazhwar needs the grace of sathguru to arise above
this Samsara Sagar, we have no other option but to attain a sathguru.
jay sathguru maharaj ki
' short stories to regain
your faith '
“Ananyaaschinthayantho mam ye janah
Thesham nithyaabhiyukthanam yogakshemam vahaamyaham”
Lord Krishna should not be forgotten at any time. There is no need for
that also. Always we should have
Krishna in our mind. We should have an
unconditional faith on Bagawan. But we all are well aware that the faith
which we have is very much conditional in nature. At times we bow down
before Him only when we are in an utmost need or are in a position where
none other than Him can help us. Such is our devotion towards our Krishna.
We believe in Bagawan and His existence only if our wishes get full
filled. But in spite of this the merciful Krishna keeps blessing us with
His immense grace and happiness.
In this modern world documentation has an enormous value. Anything in the
written form is accepted as a proof without any suspicion. We people in
Kaliyuga are blessed with a divine script called Bhagawath Geetha which is
the base of our Hindu dharma. That is the words of Bagawan Krishna in
written form. But how many among us are aware of Geetha? Bagawath geetha
are the slokas uttered from the lotus mouth of our charming Krishna. It
was not only for one Arjuna that Krishna uttered these slokas but it was
for all His childrens. But how many among us give importance to His words
or believe His words.
The above stated sloka is uttered by Bagawan Krishna in Geetha.
Lord Krishna says that I shall take care of the well being, and welfare
of that bhaktha who nurtures no other thought than me. He depends on
nobody but Me. Those who always think of Me, who always hold on to my
feet, I take care of their yoga and kshema.” Yoga means attaining the
unattainable. Kshemam means to keep safe that which is attained. Only
these two are needed in life.
The Gopars had that much of faith in Lord Krishna. They never relied on
anyone else. When they went to the forest for grazing their cows, they had
to face hurdles many times. Many a time they have come face to face with
dangers in the form of Aghasura, Bakasura, Vatsasura, Kaliya etc. They
turned to Krishna only when they were hungry in the midst of forest. That
unflinching faith in the Lord definitely helps the devotee. They had a
blind faith on Krishna and His words as they knew that what ever Krishna
does was for their well being and happiness only.
This faith the two little girls Haseena and Hamida had. They had only
heard stories about the blue hued boy Krishna. But they relied on the
Sathguru’s words that Krishna will come to our help if we hold on to Him
without any doubt. They had fallen into a terrible situation where there
was nobody in favor of them. The pirates who had no morale were full of
lust. The girls were utterly in a helpless situation. There was no way
out visibly. But even at that time they didn’t loose their hope, and were
chanting Krishna Krishna with full faith.
This is Krishna! Draupathi was in a situation where the whole court
couldn’t come to her help. Not even her husbands. But even in that
situation she could think only of her Krishna. She called out His nama
with full faith which virtually pulled Him towards her. Most unexpectedly
the cloth she was wearing began to grow long and long. Can anyone explain
this? She relied on Him and He came rushing to her help in the form of the
cloth itself !
In Srimad Bhagavatha Kunti Devi while praising the Lord when He was about
to leave Hastinapura, narrates a series of occasions when the Lord came
with timely help to Pandavas. When Bhima was fed with poisoned sweets, it
was the Krishna’s grace that saved him from that situation. When the
Kauravas plotted to burn the Pandavas alive in the palace made of wax, it
was He who sent Vidura and saved them. When the Pandavas were in exile
they were trapped into a situation where they were about to incur the
wrath of Durvasa the saint. Krishna appeared at the right moment to help
them. We can go on giving examples to show the Lord’s grace.
The same thing happened here also. These two innocent girls have heard a
lot about the leelas of Lord Krishna. They knew that He has always rushed
for the rescue of his devotees when ever they were in an utter need of
Him. They knew that Krishna would certainly pay heeds to their prayer and
went on chanting his nama continuously.
Miraculously the leader of the pirates felt that they should be sold as
slaves which will fetch them money and which in turn will fetch them more
women. The mercy of Krishna comes from the most unexpected quarters. One
can never predict anything. Antharyaami can change even a lion into a cat.
No one can escape his verdict. The antharyami in the heart of the leader
of the pirates changed his mind.
To know the rest of the leela that Krishna played with Haseena and
Hameeda wait till our next issue. Till then keep thinking only about
Krishna without allowing any other thoughts to capture your mind and
experience the truth in sloka stated above for yourself. Radhe Krishna!!!
jay sathguru maharaj ki
'divine personality's divine star '
This topic will
include the image of divine mahatma; their birth month and their birth
star !
Nigamantha Maha
Desikar alias Sri Vedhaantha Desikar

Purattaasi Maasam -----
Thiruvona Nakshathram ---Shravana Nakshathra in Sanskrit
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
'power of divine grace'
Radhe Krishna
With the blessings of Guruji and Guruji Amma I would like to
share Guruji's Krupai. Guruji always used to tell the sloka from gita "ananya
chintayanto mam ye jana paryupasathey tesham nityapi yuktanam yogakshemam
vahamyaham." Always remember me and I would look after you. With Guruji's
blessings I had an experience which made me understand the meaning of this
With Guruji's and Guruji Amma’s krupai I got a job in CTS (Cognizant
Technologies Solution) and my postings were in Pune
First I was really worried about how would I stay alone in Pune and where
would I stay? I said to Guruji about this. Guruji said to me that you are
not alone Bhagwan Krishna is always there with you and he would surely
arrange for some one there. Guruji's words gave me confidence and then
onwards I never thought about how I would stay
Two weeks before I got my joining date which was just within
a week’s time. At that time I thought that now it’s just one week and
nothing was arranged but then I remembered Guruji's words that Bhagwan
Krishna would take care of everything.
Now the time went on and I had to start for Pune the next
day until then I was not aware of where I would be staying.
As Guruji says yedurchaya (co incidentally), I went to
Guruji's shishyay house that day. At that time they gave me address of a
place where I could stay. It was really Guruji's Krupai.
Guruji gave me such a place to stay where the people staying
near there are devotees of Guruji and from where my office is near. With
Guruji's nirhetuka krupai (unconditional grace) I got to stay at a very
nice place. I understood that if we leave all our responsibilities to Him
he would take care of everything and we need not have to worry for
Guruji's shishyay Anusha
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Dhivya Dharshan
'the feast for your soul'

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Punya Kaal
'sathsang programmes''
Radhekrishna. The devotees of Trivandrum
are enjoying Guruji's sathsangam. Bagavatha sapthaham is going on in a
devotees' place. Before that Guruji did sathsangam on various topics like
yaksha prashnam, kaliyuga yashodha, navaneetachoran, aathma thathuvam....
Needless to say, Guruji's sathsangam was
undoubtedly fantastic. The way Guruji makes us understand about the
importance of life and time is completely different.
There is a special news for all the
devotees......check out the main home page of radhekrishna sathsangam on
15th august 2007. There is a special surprise for everybody.....
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
'whole hearted dedications'
This issue we are
dedicating to Sri Kururammai !
humble and true devotee of Lord Krishna.
one who looked upon Krishna as her own child.
The one who used to call Lord Krishna as
one who was so much devoted towards Lord Krishna that He changed His form
as a small child and looked after her.
one who realized that the small child is none other than her Unni and
attained moksha.
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay
Jay Shree
Radhekrishna Sathsang
Jay Shree
Poojya Shree
Shree Amma
Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
