KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
September 2008 Issue |
Vedham 5 Slokam 3 |
Sathguru Geetha |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji |
Krishna Bhajan |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
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Guru Mahima |
Hymns in Praise of Guru |
nampi NnEnpiRar
nanporuL thannaiyum, Meaning : Before the
Alwar Chastened me, I used to desire whatever others possessed, |
In the above verse Madhurakavi Azhwaar explains that before coming under the shade of a Sathguru our mind is dragged in direction of worldly riches possessed by others. And a desire is spout in the heart to achieve the same. But a Sathguru burns all these evil desires. In place of those desires a unconditional love for the Supreme Lord emerges. The process of converting the evil thoughts into good ones is not so easy as it sounds. The evils desires are deep-rooted in the hearts and to uproot it requires lot of effort by Sathguru. The following incidence will prove the outcome of Sathguru removing the material desires. In each and every activity we do, there is a self motive attached to it. Even if identify some activity as self less it somehow will be remotely related to our interest. It requires a great deal of courage to dedicate our life in service of others. Koorath Azhwaar was a wealthy person leading the life of rich in Kaanchi. At the time of when Swami Ramanujar was at Kaanchi Koorath Azhwaar got impress by Him. When Swami Ramanujar decided to SriRanagm, even Koorath Azhwaar took a stand to renounce all the wealth and to dedicate his entire life in service of Swami Ramanujar. That is the influence a Sathguru can create on His Sishyaas. Sathuguru creates a taste for the Supreme Power that the Sishyaa willing renounce the worldly riches. Koorath Azhwaar instructed his wife to renounce everything and start for SriRangam. Even his did so. This is epitome of good wife's Dharma. Without unnecessarily arguing she followed the instuctions of her husband and had a faith that what ever he does is for their welfare. While on their way to SriRangam the couple had to cross a forest. And there was a fear being looted by the robbers. Koorath Azhwaar was walking fearlessly has he had nothing to loose as he had renounced everything. But the wife of Koorath Azhwaar was engulfed with fear. Recognizing the fear Koorath Azhwaar asked whether she had anything to be feared for. His wife replied, "I had renounced everything except a golden jug which I have wrapped under in my sari. This is to take care of our needs during the journey." Hearing this Koorath Azhwaar replied, "Drop that jug also, we have surrendered our lives to Swami Ramanujar. When Swami Ramanujar is going to take care of our life's need he can even take care of this journey." This is the unconditional faith Koorath Azhwaar had on Swami Ramanajur. A faith which is unshakable in any circumstances. This incidence radiated the power of Guru Mahima. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Aachyutha Priya |
Short stories to regain your fait |
Thirikoolur Pennpillai was determined to make Swami Ramanujar her feelings and her intention behind not staying at Thirikoolur. Till now we have seen four sentences. The next justification which Thirikoolur Pennpillai gives is "Pinnam Eyuipi vitheno Thondaimaan Polle" (Did a woke up the dead) Thondaimaan was a well know king. Yet a faithful Devotee of Thirumala Balaji. He used to execute his duty in a sincere manner. Everything he did was on behalf of Lord Balaji. This is how we should lead our lives. We should perform the duties assigned to us but at the same time be thankful to Lord Krishna and to enjoy his love. |
The brahmin returned after some days and had come to the king and take his family back. As the days passed by Thondaimaan had forgot about the Brahmin's family even the assistant did not take care of the family. When the king went to see the family and to his surprise he found that eveyone was dead and turned into skeleton. Seeking the plight of the family he was not able to contain himself and burst into tears. He cursed himself for such gross negligence. ]Now he was worried as to how he will reply to the Brahmin. the only way left in front of him was to pray to Lord Balaji. Thondaimaan was sure that Lord Balaji would help him is some way or the other. This is the level of confidence Thondaimaan had on Lord Balaji. Come what may my Lord is always there to help me. He said to Brahmin that his family had gone to take darshan of Lord Balaji in Thirumal and will be returning the next day. Thondaimaan prayed to Lord Balaji and was ready to sacrifie his life to bring back the life of the brahmin's family. The whole night Thondaimaan prayed and begged Lord Balaji to bring the dead back to life. The sincerity in the prayer had melted Lord Balaji and He gave rebirth to the dead family of Brahmin. This was the poweful devotion of King Thondaimaan which can even wake-up the dead. Referring this incidence Thirikoolur Pennpillai says have done such a great Bhakti like King Thondaimaan to stay in Thirikoolur. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Hrudhayaanjali |
The power of divine grace |
At Radhekrishna Sathsanagam Krishnajayati was celebrated with full enthusiasm and joy. All those present for the functions enjoyed each moment to its fullest. Everyone had a feeling of being in Gokulam in Dwaparayuga. The function of Krishna Jayanti was held in Tuthukudi. Around 1000 people participated in the joyous occasion. The celebration started well two days in advance. Decoration and preparations for the festival was going in full swing. Sathsang on various Krishna Shetra was held the day before Krishna Jayanti. Everyone enjoyed the sathsang. The Sathsang was concluded by saying that out body itself is Krishna Shetra and Bagawaan Krishna resides in it. The day of Krishna Jayanti begun with Nagarasankeertan through the streets of Tuthukudi. Nagarasankeetan itself was included kummi and kolatam (dancing in circles and using stiucks to the tunes of songs sung). Namajam was in done was a hour coupled with Sathsang on Namajam Mahima. Namajabam was followed by various functions like Dahi haandi (breaking of curd pot like the Krishna and His Gopars used to do). Small children performed dance programs. They were dressed in a authentic way. Kummi and Kolatam was enjoyed in full energy level. The environment was full festivity. Everyone's heart and mind was in tune and both were enjoying the joyous event of birth of Shri Krishna. Simultaneously Krishna Bajans were being sung. The bajans were sung in a free spirit. Mandap was decorated with flowers. The fragrance of those flowers were waiting for the cute little black boy to take birth. In the afternoon Sathsang by Guruji on Krishna Birth begun. Each time Sathsang on Krishna Birth is heard some new message comes out as dynamic as the Bagwaan Krishna Himself. Guruji Amma's Bajan and little sathang added to the flavor of the festival. Interactions with Guruji Amma was found to be heart fulfilling. Sathsang on Krishna Jananam entered through the ears and resided in the mind of the people and the cute little boy took birth in everyone's heart. The function concluded by offering of Krishna Prasadam. The memories of the Krishna Jayanti were as sweet as the Bagawan Krishna Himself. Guruji's Sisyaas
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Dhivya Darshan |
Feast for your soul |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Punya Kaal |
Sathsang programmes |
Weekly bhajans are held in Chennai,
Podanur, Mumbai, USA and East Africa with Guruji Amma's abundant
blessings. Weekly bhajans and Nagara sankeerthanam are also being held regularly.
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Shradhaarpanam |
Our wholehearted dedications |
We dedicate this independence day issue to Devaki Mata |
sathguru maharaj ki jay |
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar