KrishnavedhaM |
The Echo of Guru in voice of sishyaas |
August 2009 Issue |
Vedham 6 Slokam 2 |
Extracts from the pravahan of our Guruji A small extract of pravachan on Jagratha Jagratha
sathguru maharaj ki jay
Hymns in Praise of Guru
8th verse , 12th Chapter, Srimad Bhagawat Geetha
Bagwaan Shri Krishna during his incarnation in the Dwaparayuga, poured grace upon the people in the capacity of various roles. For Yashoda Mata, he was a naughty child, for Radhika rani he was her eternal lover boy, for the Gopars he was their best friend, for 16108 women he was a caring husband etc. The most spoken and the intellect role of Bagwaan Shri Krishna is indeed he being a Guru to Arjun and guiding him all through his way in the battlefield of Kurushetra. Srimad Bhagawat Geetha is the mother of all philosophy. The stances in Srimad Bhagawat Geetha are the ones recited by Bagwan Shri Krishna Himself. Arjun the one considered to be having great archery skills, could not face even the sight of the battle filed. He was moved by emotions of seeing his relatives on the other side of the battle. Being totally confused Arjuna surrendered to Bagwaan Shri Krishna as a disciple. This is a juncture where the real Srimad Bhagawat Geetha starts. Bagawaan Shri Krishna instructs Arujna as a Guru. Arjuna followed the instructions of Bagwaan Shri Krisnhna. There have been many instances in which Bagwaan Shri Krishna has given assurance and ready to take our responsibility. One of such stances is as above. Where Bagwaan Shri Krishna says, attach you mind to me and you will be with me without ant doubt. In this world of uncertainty who has the nerve to give such a bold assurance. Only Bagwaan and Guru are able to give such declarations. For us to believe in the assurance of Guru, we need to have unconditionally belif on our Guru and blind faith on his words. This is small consideration which we have to pay for getting a life long assurance of well- being. Sathguru are ready to take up the responsibility but only few are even ready to give it a try. There are so many things which we give a try before accepting e.g. we try new restaurants, watch newly released films (even before the review), try new apparels, hunt for a new job etc. For the above things we are ready to take a risk in anticipation that things will work out. But when it comes to spirituality we indeed are a step behind. Guru Mahima is abundant but the extent to which we harness it, depends on our will. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay
Short stories to regain your faith Thirikoolur Pennpillai recalls yet another Azhwaar to justify her act of leaving Thirikoolur. This time she says "Edene Endreno Kuleshekar Azhwaar polle" ("Did I say like Kuleshekar Azhwaar of tuning into something on divine Tirumala") Kuleshekar was renowned for his devotion. Kuleshekar Azhwaar was the king of Kerela. In spite of being wealthy, Kuleshekar Azhwaar never regarded the material riches as his asset. In one of the pasurams Kuleshekar Azhwaar stated that he does not want those worldly wealth. The whole of a mankind runs only to earn more and more of money. All kind of efforts, stress, quarrels, strategies and cunning intentions are for acquiring more and more wealth. Only a person of extraordinary genre can declare that he does not need any wealth. Such extraordinary genre can be attributed towards pure devotion of Bagwaan. As one gets deeper inside the ocean of devotion he realizes that invaluable wealth is indeed Bagawan. Kuleshekar Azhwaar expresses his desire to turn into a things that reside on the the holy mountain Tirupat- abode of Lord Balaji. He wants to be a flower on the tree in Tirumala, a fish in the swami pushkarni, a spittoon which serves Lord Balaji, the water falls which flows through Tirumala, a bird which flies around the Tirumala, the person who engages himself in the service of Lord Balaji, and the stairs just ahead of Lord Balaji's divine sanctorum. The wish to be the things mentioned above are out the desperate yearning to be proximate to Lord Balaji. The regards of Kuleshekar towards Lord Balaji was so much he concludes that he should be at least something on the divine Tirumala. Such kind of a desire is very rare to find. We people think only of visiting Tirumala and getting the glimpse for few moments of Lord Balaji. We have never thought of being perennially in Tirumala. This brings a clear difference between us the great Bhaktas. Divine experiences of great Bhaktas sets an standards of the extent to which one engage himself/herself in devotion. Referring to these pasuram of Kuleshekar Azhwaar Thirikoolur Pennpillai says, "Have I ever expressed the desire of being something on the divine land" Listening to this statement of Thirikoolur Pennpillai Swami Ramanujar recollected and enjoyed the pasurams of Kuleshekar Azhwaar. The more he heard from Thirikoolur Pennpillai, the more he was astonished to see her eagerness to be like those great Bhaktas. Swami Ramanujar blessed her for each of her sentence. Next month its going to be a really different example which Thirikoolur Pennpillai is going to give. Lets wait and see what it is. |
sathguru maharaj ki jay
The power of divine grace |
Radhekrishna Guru and Bagwaan are the precious wealth of each soul. Guru is the one who makes us realize how we are and how we should be. It was the day when I had been with Guruji Amma. I was doing some work and suddenly remembered that I forgot to have one of the eatables previous day. I opened but it was spoiled. Foul smell was coming out of it. I just covered my nose and threw it away. Guruji Amma saw me. Amma sat calmly in a chair and called me. She asked what happened. I said, “Amma the eatable got spoilt and had a unbearable smell.” To this Amma replied, “Each person has numerous bad qualities hidden inside which produce foul smell, but even then Guru bears it. The only reason is to make each disciple pure and understand their mistake and further attain the highest level of bhakti (devotion). I was stunned and asked forgiveness. Amma tapped me and said, “My child, no human is so pure and perfect but through continuous chanting you can get rid of bad qualities.” I then realized and prayed, “Krishan forgive me & help me to get rid of bad qualities.” The next few hours itself I could find a great peace of mind. Next day Amma asked me, “How is your mind today?” I replied, “There is great peace of mind.” Amma said do chant and win. Guruji Amma thus gave a precious and beautiful experience.
Radhekrishna Guruji’s Shiyaai Uma |
sathguru maharaj ki jay
Feast for your soul |
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sathguru maharaj ki jay
Sathsang programmes Krishna Bhajans and Namasanketan are being carried out weekly at various places. Every Sunday NagarBhajan are also being carried at various places. Every one is invited to attend the Guruji's Satsangam and enjoy the divine bliss. Krishna Janmastami whihc is falling on 12th of Sept 2009, is going to be joyfully celebrated in Tutukudi, Tamil Nadu. All devotees are invited to attend the same and enjoy the cheerful birth of Bagwaan Krishna. Below is the invitation for the function.
sathguru maharaj ki jay
Our wholehearted dedications We dedicate this issue to Bagwaan Shri Krishna
sathguru maharaj ki jay
Jay Shree Radhekrishna Sathsang Jay Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma Jay Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar